- Objective: To develop C++ code to run obejct detection on a trained model using Tensorflow
This demo is based on an object detection tutorial available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWFg6R5ccOc
The corresponding project repository and instructions available here: https://github.com/MicrocontrollersAndMore/TensorFlow_Tut_3_Object_Detection_Walk-through
The project uses python/opencv/tensorflow object_detection modules to retrain an inception v2 model to detect traffic lights. Training images are also provided by the author.
- Main steps followed:
a) The instructions in the original tutorial documents referenced above were followed by using the provided python code to generate a retrained inception v2 model to detect traffic lights using 117 training images and 10 testing images. Any modifications needed such as file paths etc were done and any dependencies installed. Finally a trained model was generated used for detection of traffic lights in images.
b) The final step in the object detection pipeline is running the trained inference graph on testing images and visualizing the detection results. This part of the code was redone in C++ using Tensorflow C++ API and opencv and is the main contribution in this project.
- Detailed description:
There are two ways to run inference in C++ using tensorflow. First is to have the C++ file in tensorflow examples directory and using bazel to build and run the code. The main problem with that is it doesn"t play well with OpenCV and tensorflow has limited image manipulation capabilities needed to visulize object detection results. Hence the second option is to compile your C++ program as a standalone program linking against tensorflow and opencv shared libraries.
Consequently the second approach was followed in this project. This issue has document in several places: tensorflow/models#1741 tensorflow/tensorflow#2412
The steps used to compile standalone tensorflow libraries were mainly followed from here without many issues: https://tuanphuc.github.io/update-on-standalone-tensorflow-cpp/ https://tuanphuc.github.io/standalone-tensorflow-cpp/
The main code is in file 5_test.cpp. The main inspirations for the code come from the followwing sources: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/examples/multibox_detector/main.cc https://github.com/lysukhin/tensorflow-object-detection-cpp
Other main resources include:
https://www.tensorflow.org/api_guides/cc/guide for Tensorflow C++ API https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/cpptutorial for google protocal buffers usage.
- Files included:
The object detection tutorial walkthrough source code files are included in here for convenience.
The training and test images along with any other files generated by the python pipeline such as tfr records, trained inference graph etc. are available at the following location:
The cpp code including the files needed to compile standalone program as per instructions in https://tuanphuc.github.io/standalone-tensorflow-cpp/ are also included.
Finally the compiled libraries and main program are also included in test-object-detect-cpp subdirectory. Results of c++ program inference run are also provided in output_images sub-sub directory.
- Instructions to run the program: main steps to run CPP part of the code are:
Adjust the paths/variables in Makefile as needed.
The first step would be to try:
make run
as the compiled binary is provided (linux x86_64 system). If that fails then:
make clean make make run
You"ll have to satisfy the dependencies listed in the Makefile otherwise follow one or more steps from section 3.
- Dependencies: Standalone compilation of tensorflow + opencv requires the exact same protobuf library version used to compile tensorflow from sources. This project compiled Tensorflow v 1.8.0 with Protobuf v 3.5.0 Opencv == 2.4.9