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MAPE-K loop based autonomy

Please refer to docments in the directory doc for the detailed design idea.


This branch is based on the release 9 of OceanWATERS testbed (a version of noetic-devel branch. Details can be found in the release note of v2.0.0).

  • It will first need to follow the "Get Started" instruction in nasa/ow_simulator to install software prerequisites.
  • Create a catkin workspace mkdirs -p ~/oceanwater_ws/src
  • pull down the ow9 branch of the repos (ow_simulator, ow_autonomy, ow_europa and irg_ope) from nasa-raspberry-si git organization into ~/oceanwater_ws/src. After checking out the ow9 branch of nasa-raspberry-si/ow_simulator, create a soft link .rosinstall inside ~/oceanwater_ws/src using the command below and then use wstool to update code bases.
    • ln -s ~/oceanwater_ws/src/ow_simulator/oceanwaters/workspaces/oceanwaters_ow9_rs.rosinstall ~/oceanwater_ws/src/.rosinstall
    • wstool update
  • Pull down nasa-raspberry-si/autonomy into ~/oceanwater_ws/src
  • Source ROS noetic envirionment
    • source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
  • Build using catkin
    • catkin build


  • Run ow_simulator in one terminal
    • cd ~/oceanwater_ws && source devel/setup.bash
    • roslaunch ow europa_terminator.launch
  • Run ow_autonomy (actually an PLEXIL executive) in another terminal
    • cd ~/oceanwater_ws && source devel/setup.bash
    • roslaunch ow_plexil ow_exec.launch
  • Run the Raspberry-SI autonomy in a new terminal
    • setup environment
      • cd ~/oceanwater_ws && source devel/setup.bash
    • Export three environment variables
      • export EVALUATION\_ROOT\_DIR=< evaluation directory >
      • export OW\_PLEXIL\_LIB\_SOURCE\_DIR=< PLEXIL library source directory >
      • export PLEXIL\_LIB\_COMPILED\_PLAN\_DIR=< the direcotry of compiled PLEXIL plan in devel dir >
    • Run with an example mission specification file, mission1.txt
      • roslaunch rs_autonomy rs_autonomy.launch mission_spec_filename:=mission1.txt
    • If the evaluation directory is decided to be inside this code base, run.bash script can be used to avoid the above two steps.

Code Organization

  • Mission Control node and MAPE-K nodes (except knowledge node)
    • autonomy/src/mape-k
  • Knowledge Node and other service nodesow8-rosnodes
    • autonomy/script
  • Python packages for support services in autonomy/src
    • acknowledgement management (for knowledge node): maintain machine learning models and task-dependent runtime information.
    • prism planning: given some runtime info, automatically generate a PRISM model for a task and use it to get policy and actions
    • plan translation: based on the actions (i.e., high-level plan), generate a PLEXIL plan using a task-related template and then compile it
    • fault management: a ROS server to inject and clear arm fault in ow_simulator
  • The organization of evaluation directory
    • An example of directory structure: autonomy/evaluation
    • For detailed description, please refer to autonomy/doc/structure_of_evaluation_directory.txt

Current Adaptation Cases

  • List of cases
    • case 1: digging fails due to an incorrectly estimated excavation probability
    • case 2: the beliefs of supporting machine-learning models drop below predefined
    • case 3: surface vibration caused by earthquake
    • case 4: an arm fault is detected during executing a plan for excavation task
    • case 5: a manual plan sent from the Earth center
    • case 6: has a new task and need to terminate the current task
    • case 7: the current task finishes and has a new task needs
  • The categorization of above cases (excluding case 7) image
  • Demo of adaptation cases:

Docker Image

  • Build oceanworld and rs_autonomy images
    • Build oceanworld image, aisys/raspberry-oceanworld:v9
      cd docker/oceanworld && ./ noetic v9 aisys
    • Build rs_autonomy image, aisys/raspberry-autonomy:v2
      cd docker/rs_autonomy && ./ aisys/raspberrysi-oceanworld:v9 noetic v2 aisys ow9
    • Two available docker images are available for play at:
      • aisys/raspberrysi-oceanworld:v9
      • aisys/raspberrysi-autonomy:v2
  • Run a docker container using the rs_autonomy image
    • Create the docker container, oceanworld, with the GPU support.
      xhost local:root
      docker run --name oceanworld --rm -it --gpus all -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -e QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 aisys/raspberrysi-autonomy:v2 bash
    • Open two terminals. In each terminal, access to the docker container, oceanworld, by using the following command. One terminal is for running the PLEXIL Executive (ow_plexil package) while the other one is for running rs_autonomy.
      docker exec -it oceanworld bash