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Streaming Parallel Decision Tree

tree! Scala CI

A streaming parallel decision tree (SPDT) enables parallelized training of a decision tree classifier and the ability to make updates to this tree with streaming data. Basic MDL-based pruning is also implemented to prevent overfitting.

The SPDT algorithm is described by Ben-Haim and Tom-Tov 2010.

Minimum Description Length (MDL) pruning is desribed by Mehta et. al 1995.

Command-line interface

SPDT has a command-line interface (CLI) for classification experiments and producing models. For an overview of the CLI options, use the --help option. A more detailed description of each option follows.


You must specify a model path for model output or updates.

In the case that there is no existing model file at the path specified, a new model will be trained and written to this path with the date appended to the end of the filename.

In the case that the path points to an existing model file this model is used for one of the following operations:

  • if --training-data specifies a data file, the model will be updated with the samples inside.
  • if --test-data specifies a data file, the model will be used to classify the samples inside.
  • if --print specifies a feature map file, a dot file will be produced using the feature map.


Specify the observable class labels in the dataset in a comma-separated list. SPDT defaults to binary classification and adapts automatically to the sets 0,1 or -1,1.


Set a weight on classification errors used during MDL pruning. Higher weights penalize errors more than lower weights. Higher weights result in more complicated trees than those resulting from lower weights.

--real-features, --boolean-features

By default, SPDT assumes all features are real-valued. If your dataset is comprised solely of boolean variables, you must enable them in SPDT:

./bin/spdt --boolean-features <other_opts>

If your dataset contains a mix of boolean and real-valued features, you must specify which are real-valued in a comma-separated list and enable boolean features:

./bin/spdt --boolean-features --real-features 0,1,2 <other_opts>


Specify the maximum class entropy allowable at leaf nodes. Decision trees continue to split samples at a node until the impurity criteria, which is a threshold on the class entropy at that node, is satisfied. By default, SPDT adds decisions until the training data is completely classified or further separation of the classes is impossible based on the features in the dataset.


Specify the minimum change in entropy neccessary for adding a new decision at a leaf node in the tree. By default, any decrease in entropy results in a new decision.


Specify a minimum relative frequency of boolean features before they are added to the model. Underrepresented boolean features might be a computational burden if too many exist in the dataset. Furthermore, they might not improve classification performance. The minimum feature frequency enables you to filter these features out.


Specify the maximum number of times that the algorithm can attempt to expand leaf nodes into new decisions. By setting the training iterations, you also set a limit on the maximum depth of the tree.


Specify a feature-map file for generating a dot file with a graph that represents a trained model. In the resulting graph, nodes are labeled with a period-separated concatenation of the node's ID, feature, and class label. For example:


To generate the preceding graph, first provide a tsv feature-map file that maps feature indexes from the LIBSVM sparse data format to strings:

$ head -n 3 feature_map.tsv
1       Regular_insulin_dose
2       NPH_insulin_dose
3       UltraLente_insulin_dose

Next, call spdt with the print option:

$ ./bin/spdt --model-path diabetes_2015-01-20_143112.spdt --print feature_map.tsv
INFO Loading model: diabetes_2015-01-20_143112.spdt
INFO dotfile written to ./

Lastly, render the image with the dot program:

$ dot -Tpng -o ~/Desktop/dottree.png ./

Data format

The SPDT CLI accepts training and testing data in LIBSVM format:

<classLabel: Int> <feature1: Int>:<value1: Double> <feature2: Int>:<value2: Double> ...

The following example specifies a sample from the class 1. This sample has features 0, 1, and 6 with corresponding values 0.5, 0.75, and 0.9:

 1 0:0.5 1:0.75 6:0.9

Serving layer

SPDT provides a basic HTTP API that enables classification and model updates. By default, models are loaded from and saved to HDFS.


The serving layer loads the most recent model from the HDFS directory that is specified by the environment variable SPDT_DIRECTORY. New versions of the model that result from requests to the /update endpoint are saved in this directory as snapshots.

You must also specify the port for the API to serve on using WEB_PORT and the base url for a web HDFS service for model storage with WEB_HDFS.

SPDT_DIRECTORY='/tmp/dir' WEB_HDFS_BASE_URL='http://localhost/webhdfs/v1' WEB_PORT=5000 ./bin/serve


To classify a sample, send a POST request with a sample represented in JSON to the /classify endpoint. Format the sample JSON as follows:

{"features":[<feature1: Int>,<feature2: Int>,...],"values":[<value1: Double>, <value2: Double>,...]}

The following sample has features 1 and 2 with corresponding values 0.1 and 0.2:


You can use curl to see how the classify request works:

$ SAMPLE='{"features":[1,2],"values":[0.1,0.2]}'
$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$SAMPLE" -XPOST http://localhost:5000/classify ; echo


To update the model, send samples in a POST request to the /update endpoint. Format the request JSON as follows:

{"samples":[<sample1: Sample>, <sample2: Sample>,...]}

Format each sample as follows. Note that a label field has been added:

{"label":<label: Int>,"features":[<feature1: Int>,<feature2: Int>,...],"values":[<value1: Double>, <value2: Double>,...]}

A complete example follows:


You can use curl to see how the update request works:

$ SAMPLE='{"samples":[{"features":[1,2],"values":[0.1,0.2],"label":1},{"features":[3,4],"values":[0.3,0.4],"label":0}]}'
$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$SAMPLE" -XPOST http://localhost:5000/update ; echo

The resulting model is saved to HDFS in the directory that you specified with the SPDT_DIRECTORY environment variable. The current date is automatically appended to each model's filename. This enables any new instance of the serving layer to load the most recent model.


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Streaming Parallel Decision Tree







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  • Scala 98.5%
  • Shell 1.3%
  • Makefile 0.2%