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The Python SDK for interacting with MultiversX. It's an all in one sdk that can be used to create transactions (including smart contract calls and deployments), sign and broadcast transactions, create wallets and many more.


Development setup

Virtual environment

Create a virtual environment and install the dependencies:

python3 -m venv ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r ./requirements.txt --upgrade

Install development dependencies, as well:

pip install -r ./requirements-dev.txt --upgrade

Above, requirements.txt should mirror the dependencies section of pyproject.toml.

If using VSCode, restart it or follow these steps:

  • Ctrl Shift P
  • Select Interpreter
  • Choose ./venv/bin/python.


Run the tests as follows:

This command runs all tests:

pytest .

If you want to skip network interaction tests run:

pytest -m "not networkInteraction"

Generate test coverage report

First, we run the tests using coverage:

coverage run -m pytest .

Then, we can generate a report in the terminal using:

coverage report

We can also generate a html report using:

coverage html

Regenerating the docs

Each time a new module/submodule is added it needs to be added to the docs, as well. To do so cd in the root directory then run the following command:

sphinx-apidoc -f -o docs/ multiversx_sdk/ * *

This command will regenerate the .rst files for each module, excluding the tests and the files.

Also, each time a new version is released, the file should be updated accordingly.