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This is my own Implementation of the Universal Language Model Finetuning For Text Classification Paper.

Note that the first part of the README is based on the README provided at Fastai repo.

1. Preparing Wikipedia

If you want to train your own language model on a Wikipedia in your chosen language, run The script will ask for a language and will then download, extract, and prepare the latest version of Wikipedia for the chosen language. Note that for English (due to the size of the English Wikipedia), the extraction process takes quite long.

Example command: bash

This will create a data folder in this directory and wiki_dumps, wiki_extr, and wiki subfolders. In each subfolder, it will furthermore create a folder LANG where LANG is the language of the Wikipedia. In our case, we use ar as the language. The prepared files are stored in wiki/ar as train.csv and val.csv to match the format used for text classification datasets. By default, train.csv contains around 100 million tokens and val.csv is 10% the size of train.csv.

2. Tokenization

Run to tokenize the input texts.

Example command: python data/imdb

Usage: DIR_PATH [CHUNKSIZE] [N_LBLS] [LANG] --dir-path DIR_PATH [--chunksize CHUNKSIZE] [--n-lbls N_LBLS] [--lang LANG]
  • DIR_PATH: the directory where your data is located
  • CHUNKSIZE: the size of the chunks when reading the files with pandas; use smaller sizes with less RAM
  • LANG: the language of your corpus.

The script expects train.csv and val.csv files to be in DIR_PATH. Each file should be in CSV format. If the data is labeled, the first column should consist of the label as an integer. The remaining columns should consist of text or features, which will be concatenated to form each example. If the data is unlabeled, the file should just consist of a single text column. The script will then save the training and test tokens and labels as arrays to binary files in NumPy format in a tmp in the above path in the following files: tok_trn.npy, tok_val.npy, lbl_trn.npy, and lbl_val.npy. In addition, a joined corpus containing white space-separated tokens is produced in tmp/joined.txt.

3. Mapping tokens to ids

Run to map the tokens in the tok_trn.npy and tok_val.npy files to ids.

Example command: python data/imdb

Usage: PREFIX [MAX_VOCAB] [MIN_FREQ] --prefix PREFIX [--max-vocab MAX_VOCAB] [--min-freq MIN_FREQ]
  • PREFIX: the file path prefix in data/nlp_clas/{prefix}
  • MAX_VOCAB: the maximum vocabulary size
  • MIN_FREQ: the minimum frequency of words that should be kept

(3a. Pretrain the Wikipedia language model)

My code is based on the LM imeplementation found the pytorch examples with the addition of Slanted Triangular and Discriminative learning rates which are employed during finetuning the LM on the target dataset.


usage: [-h] [--data DATA] [--checkpoint CHECKPOINT]
               [--pretrained PRETRAINED] [--finetune] [--model MODEL]
               [--bidirectional] [--emsize EMSIZE] [--nhid NHID]
               [--nlayers NLAYERS] [--lr LR] [--clip CLIP] [--epochs EPOCHS]
               [--batch_size N] [--bptt BPTT] [--dropout DROPOUT] [--tied]
               [--seed SEED] [--cuda] [--log-interval N] [--save SAVE]
               [--slanted_lr] [--cut_frac CUT_FRAC] [--ratio RATIO]
               [--lr_max LR_MAX]

PyTorch PennTreeBank RNN/LSTM Language Model

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --data DATA           location of the data corpus
  --checkpoint CHECKPOINT
                        model checkpoint to use
  --pretrained PRETRAINED
                        pre-trained model to finetune
  --finetune            finetune existing model
  --model MODEL         type of recurrent net (RNN_TANH, RNN_RELU, LSTM, GRU)
  --emsize EMSIZE       size of word embeddings
  --nhid NHID           number of hidden units per layer
  --nlayers NLAYERS     number of layers
  --lr LR               initial learning rate
  --clip CLIP           gradient clipping
  --epochs EPOCHS       upper epoch limit
  --batch_size N        batch size
  --bptt BPTT           sequence length
  --dropout DROPOUT     dropout applied to layers (0 = no dropout)
  --tied                tie the word embedding and softmax weights
  --seed SEED           random seed
  --cuda                use CUDA
  --log-interval N      report interval
  --save SAVE           path to save the final model
  --slanted_lr          Use Slanted Learning Rates
  --cut_frac CUT_FRAC   Slanet LR cut fraction
  --ratio RATIO         Slanted Learning Rates Ratio
  --lr_max LR_MAX       slanted learning rate max value

To pre-train a 1-layer LSTM Language Model with 300 as layer size on the wiki data:

$ cd word-language-model/
$ python --data ../data/wiki/ar/tmp/ --cuda --emsize 300 --nhid 300 --dropout 0.5 --epochs 10 --batch_size 256 --lr 10 --model LSTM --save ./trained_models/

(3b. Finetuning the language model on the target dataset)

To finetune the LM, pass the --finetune flag. Also use --pretrained with the path to the pre-trained model. In case you want to use Slanted Triangular Learning rate, use the --slanted_lr flag and --lr_max to specify the maximum value of the learning rate. Refer to the paper to understand more.

$ python  --data ../data/dialect-identification/ --finetune --pretrained ./trained_models/  --cuda --save ./trained_models/ --lr 0.01 --slanted_lr --lr_max 1.0

(3c. Finetuning the language model for classification on the target dataset)

TODO: Command line arguments for


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