Machine Learning Group Competition code as part of the 2019/20 Machine Learning module at Trinity College Dublin.
Competition link -> tcd-ml-comp-201920-income-pred-group
Mukesh Arambakam - 19301497
Ellen Mullooly - 15320582
Alex Fields - 15314665
Please check tcdml1920-income-ind repo for the base of the source code used here.
algorithm used light-gbm
params['learning_rate'] = 0.001
params['boosting_type'] = 'gbdt'
params['metric'] = 'mae'
params['max_depth'] = 30
params['verbosity'] = -1
params['objective'] = 'tweedie'
params['num_threads'] = 4
params['feature_fraction'] = 0.8
for detailed description of the parameters click here.
Private - 10269.49072
Public - 10450.95466