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solcpp - A fast Solana and Mango Markets C SDK.

A fast C SDK to interact with Solana and Mango Markets. The SDK also includes a collection of examples to send transactions to Solana and trade on Mango Markets.

If you are experienced in c dev and want to work on this full-time, contact @m_schneider on Twitter.


1. libsol - Solana SDK

Install as a static lib(faster compile times). See building.

See example CMakeLists.txt on how to use.

2. Mango Markets SDK

Header only

Copy the include folder to your build tree and use a C 17 compiler. The Mango Markets SDK depends on libsol above.

Usage examples

1. Load and decode account info

#include "solana.hpp"

const auto accountPubkey = "<pub key>";
const auto rpc_url = "<rpc url>";
auto connection = solana::rpc::Connection(rpc_url);
struct MyAccountInfo {
    int64_t basePosition;
    i80f48 quotePosition;
    i80f48 deposits[MAX_TOKENS];
MyAccountInfo myAccountInfo =
std::cout << myAccoutInfo.basePosition << std::endl;

See full example.

2. Send Transaction

#include "solana.hpp"

// 1. fetch recent blockhash to anchor tx to
auto recentBlockHash = connection.getLatestBlockhash();

// 2. assemble tx
const solana::PublicKey feePayer = solana::PublicKey::fromBase58(
  "<fee payer>");
const solana::PublicKey memoProgram =
const std::string memo = "Hello \xF0\x9F\xA5\xAD";

const solana::CompiledInstruction ix = {
  1, {}, std::vector<uint8_t>(memo.begin(), memo.end())};

const solana::CompiledTransaction tx = {
  recentBlockHash, {feePayer, memoProgram}, {ix}, 1, 0, 1};

// 3. send & sign tx
const auto keypair =
const auto b58Sig = connection.sendTransaction(keypair, tx);
  "sent tx. check:{}?cluster=devnet",

See full example.

3. Place Mango Perp Order

See full example.

4. Subscribe to Account updates(fills)

See full example.

5. Build complex transactions(atomic cancel and replace)

See full example.

5. Calculate Mango Account Health

#include "MangoAccount.hpp"

const auto& mangoAccountInfo =
mango_v3::MangoAccount mangoAccount =
auto openOrders = mangoAccount.loadOpenOrders(connection);
auto group = connection.getAccountInfo<mango_v3::MangoGroup>(;
auto cache = connection.getAccountInfo<mango_v3::MangoCache>(
auto maintHealth =
  mangoAccount.getHealth(group, cache, mango_v3::HealthType::Maint);
auto initHealth =
  mangoAccount.getHealth(group, cache, mango_v3::HealthType::Init);
auto maintHealthRatio =
  mangoAccount.getHealthRatio(group, cache, mango_v3::HealthType::Maint);

See full example.


The project uses to manage dependencies. Install Conan here.

$ git clone
# Create a default profile or copy over the example for linux / macos
$ conan profile new default --detect
$ cd solcpp && mkdir build && cd build
$ conan install .. --build=missing -o:h boost:without_contract=True -o:h boost:without_fiber=True -o:h boost:without_graph=True -o:h boost:without_graph_parallel=True -o:h boost:without_json=True -o:h boost:without_log=True -o:h boost:without_math=True -o:h boost:without_mpi=True -o:h boost:without_nowide=True -o:h boost:without_program_options=True -o:h boost:without_python=True -o:h boost:without_stacktrace=True -o:h boost:without_test=True -o:h boost:without_timer=True -o:h boost:without_type_erasure=True -o:h boost:without_wave=True
$ cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ cmake --build .
$ ./bin/tests # Run tests
$ ./bin/example-send-transaction # Run sendTransaction example


  • C 17
  • boost 1.76.0 [Boost]
  • cpr 1.7.2 [MIT]
  • curl 7.81.0 [MIT]
  • doctest 2.4.8 [MIT]
  • sodium 1.0.18 [ISC]
  • websocketpp 0.8.2 [BSD]
  • nlohmann-json 3.10.5 [MIT]


  • If you have issues building libcurl on gcc-9, try clang. See issue.

  • If you have issues linking cpr on linux gcc, try compiling with libcxx=libstdc 11. See issue.

  • In addition, some dependencies were directly included and slightly modified to work well with the rest of the code base.


  1. Build the project locally using the building steps above.

  2. Pick one of the issues or add your feature and send in your PR :).

  3. Add a unit test here to verify and guard your change.


Mango Markets documentation can be found here.