I'm Muahammadreza Akhgari Ziri (You can call me mr.ziri)! A computer engineer almost most of the time, and a DotA2 player rest of the time. A person who is always interested in learning new things. Currently working on computer vision and natural language processing. But it can be changed in the future, nobody knows! I also have experience with Frontend development. By the way, I love anything that is related to computers and DotA!!
You can see a little about me below:
name: Muhammadreza Akhgari Ziri
located_in: Tehran, Iran
"Bachelor's in computer engineering at AmirKabir University of Technology",
"Natural Language Processing (NLP)"
"Image Processing"
"Web Development",
"Data Science",
"Machine Learning",
"Clinet Side Developer - Quiz of Kings",
"Telegram Bot Developer - Meghyas",
"Teacher Assistance - Linux festival"
"Teacher Assistance - AmirKabir University of Technology"
currently_learning: ["Image Processing and Django"]
2023 Goals: ["Create 20 Projects"]
hobbies: ["Gaming", "Cinema", "Book"]