Handling photos in your web application has never been so simple.
Through Composer
"require": {
"morrelinko/simple-photo": "0.*"
Create the database using the schema below for the data store you will be using
$photoId = $simplePhoto->uploadFromPhpFileUpload($_FILES["image"]);
// Or
$photoId = $simplePhoto->uploadFromFilePath("/path/to/photo.png");
With support for accepting uploads from different sources.
$photoId = $simplePhoto->upload(new YourUploadSource($imageData));
The two upload methods shown above actually are aliases/shortcuts for doing this
$photoId = $simplePhoto->upload(new PhpFileUploadSource($_FILES["image"]));
// Or
$photoId = $simplePhoto->upload(new FilePathSource("/path/to/photo.png"));
$photo = $simplePhoto->get($photoId);
SimplePhoto requires...
- Storage Manager: For Storing & Managing registered storage adapters.
- Data Store: Database for persisting information about a photo.
use SimplePhoto\Storage\LocalStorage;
use SimplePhoto\StorageManager;
use SimplePhoto\DataStore\SqliteDataStore;
use SimplePhoto\SimplePhoto;
// Create a local storage adapter
$localStorage = new LocalStorage('/path/to/project/root/', 'photos');
// Create a storage manager
$storageManager = new StorageManager();
// Adds one or more registered storage adapters
$storageManager->add('local', $localStorage);
// Create Data Store
$dataStore = new SqliteDataStore(['database' => 'photo_app.db']);
// Create Our Simple Photo Object
$simplePhoto = new SimplePhoto($storageManager, $dataStore);
If you want to get a re-sized photo, use the "transform" options of the second argument
$photo = $simplePhoto->get($photoId, [
'transform' => [
'size' => [200, 200]
The default transformation options available...
'size' => [$width, $height]
'rotate' => [$angle, ($background)]
You could implement your own transformer and add more transformation options
Arguments in parenthesis are optional
$photos = $simplePhoto->collection([2, 23, 15]);
$photos->get(0); // gets photo '2'
$photos->get(1); // gets photo '23'
PhotoCollection come with a handful of methods for manipulating its items
// Creates a collection of photos
$photos = $simplePhoto->collection([2, 23, 15, 34, 21, 1, 64, 324]);
// Gets all as array
$allPhotos = $photos->all();
// Uses filter() method.
// This example creates a new photo collection containing only photos in 'local' storage
$localPhotos = $photos->filter(function($photo) {
return $photo->storage() == 'local';
// Probably gotten from a db
$users = [
['user_id' => 1, 'name' => 'John Doe', 'photo_id' => 2],
['user_id' => 2, 'name' => 'Mary Alice', 'photo_id' => 5]
$simplePhoto->push($users, array('photo_id'));
// Sample Output:
['user_id' => 1, 'name' => 'John Doe', 'photo_id' => 2, 'photo' => (Object SimplePhoto\PhotoResult)],
['user_id' => 2, 'name' => 'Mary Alice', 'photo_id' => 5, 'photo' => (Object SimplePhoto\PhotoResult)]
If you would like complete control on what is pushed to the array from the photo result,
you specify a callback as third argument to push()
$simplePhoto->push($users, array('photo_id'), function(&$item, $photo, $index, $name) {
$item['photo_url'] = $photo->url();
// Sample Output:
['user_id' => 1, 'name' => 'John Doe', 'photo_id' => 2, 'photo_url' => 'http://example.com/files/2014/xxxxx.png'],
['user_id' => 2, 'name' => 'Mary Alice', 'photo_id' => 5, 'photo_url' => 'http://example.com/files/2014/xxxxx.png']
- Add MongoDB Data Store
This code is principally developed and maintained by [Laju Morrison] (https://github.com/morrelinko)
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
Supported by http://contactlyapp.com