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Cube Grasping: Hand-Centric vs. Third-Person Perspectives

This repository includes source code for the first part of the paper titled Vision-Based Manipulators Need to Also See from Their Hands. Please visit the project website for more information.


  1. Run the following commands to clone this repository, pull required submodules, create the cube-grasping conda environment, and install some packages inside the environment:

    git clone
    cd cube-grasping
    git submodule update --init --recursive
    conda create -n cube-grasping python=3.8
    conda activate cube-grasping
  2. Run the following commands in the base directory of the repository to install the cube-grasping, imitation, and stable-baselines3 packages into the conda environment. Note that we have made some modifications to these packages to fit our needs.

    pip install -e .
    pip install -e imitation
    pip install -e stable-baselines3
  3. Install required packages via pip:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Download the Describable Textures Dataset (DTD):

  5. Unzip the contents of dtd-r1.0.1.tar.gz in the base directory:

    tar -xzvf dtd-r1.0.1.tar.gz

    This should create a folder named dtd which contains a folder named images, which has many subfolders containing images of different texture styles.

Running DAgger Experiments

Our paper experiments with three different distribution shifts: table height, distractor objects, and table texture. Please refer to the paper for more details.

Running DAgger for Table Height Distribution Shift

  1. Run the expert cube grasping demo collection script from the base directory:

    python cube_grasping/env/ --data_path=./data/panda_expert_demos_table_height.pkl --num_episodes=100

    This creates a pickle file, panda_expert_demos.pkl, containing 100 expert demos as well as two MP4 files, panda_expert_demos_view1.mp4 and panda_expert_demos_view3.mp4, which visualize the demos (where "_view1" and "_view3" correspond to the hand-centric and third-person perspectives, respectively).

  2. Train a DAgger policy to grasp the target cube:

    python cube_grasping/scripts/ --data_path=./data/panda_expert_demos_table_height.pkl --log_dir=logs/dagger_table_height/ --num_dagger_rounds=6 --num_epochs_per_round=15 --num_trajectories_per_round=200 --test_type=table_height --seed=42

    Throughout training, the policy will be evaluated periodically (e.g. after every 5 epochs) on the training distribution and a set of out-of-distribution test distributions; we call the former "eval" and the latter "test." The results (e.g. mean rewards and success rates) will be printed out and also logged to eval.csv and several test_{i}.csv files in the log directory specified by log_dir above, where i=0, i=1, i=2, i=3, i=4 correspond to table height shifts of -0.1m, -0.05m, 0m, 0.05m, 0.1m, respectively.

Running DAgger for Distractor Objects Distribution Shift

The steps here are similar to the ones in the table height section above.

  1. Run the expert cube grasping demo collection script from the base directory with the distractor objects flag enabled:
    python cube_grasping/env/ --data_path=./data/panda_expert_demos_distractors.pkl --num_episodes=100 --add_distractors=True
  2. Train a DAgger policy to grasp the target cube:
    python cube_grasping/scripts/ --data_path=./data/panda_expert_demos_distractors.pkl --log_dir=logs/dagger_distractors/ --num_dagger_rounds=6 --num_epochs_per_round=15 --num_trajectories_per_round=200 --test_type=distractors --seed=42
    As before, eval/test results (e.g. mean rewards and success rates) will be printed out and also logged to eval.csv and several test_{i}.csv files in the log directory specified by log_dir above. Here, i=0, i=1, i=2, i=3, i=4, i=5 correspond to distractor colors of red, green, blue, brown, white, black, respectively.

Running DAgger for Table Textures Distribution Shift

The steps here are similar to the ones in the table height section and distractor objects section above.

  1. Run the expert cube grasping demo collection script from the base directory with the random table textures flag enabled:
    python cube_grasping/env/ --data_path=./data/panda_expert_demos_table_texture.pkl --num_episodes=100 --random_table_texture=True
  2. Train a DAgger policy to grasp the target cube:
    python cube_grasping/scripts/ --data_path=./data/panda_expert_demos_table_texture.pkl --log_dir=logs/dagger_table_texture/ --num_dagger_rounds=6 --num_epochs_per_round=15 --num_trajectories_per_round=200 --test_type=distractors --seed=42
    As before, eval/test results (e.g. mean rewards and success rates) will be printed out and also logged to eval.csv and test_0.csv in the log directory specified by log_dir above.

Running DrQ Experiments

This section discusses how to run the DrQ experiments for the three distribution shifts mentioned above.

Running DrQ for Table Height Distribution Shift

Coming soon!

Running DrQ for Distractor Objects Distribution Shift

Coming soon!

Running DrQ for Table Textures Distribution Shift

Coming soon!


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