Knowledge is power.
- Francis Bacon -
I am a passionate student majoring in Computer Software Engineering at Soonchunhyang University, with interests in backend development, information security, and software development.
- March 2023 - Present: Department of Computer Software Engineering, Soonchunhyang University
- April 2024 - Present: SW Frontier 3rd, Soonchunhyang University
- SCHU-Notify - A project that crawls Soonchunhyang University's academic announcement board and sends notifications to Slack. Implemented with Python and BeautifulSoup for web scraping and integrated with Slack API for notifications.
- CLR_Hosting_Injection - A project that enables the injection and execution of .NET assemblies within unmanaged code processes. The primary function,
, allows specific methods within a .NET assembly to be called with arguments and returns a result. Implemented in C with the .NET Framework for seamless integration between managed and unmanaged code.
- Languages: Python, Java, C , C#
- Tools: Git, Gradle, Maven
- Frameworks: Flask, Spring Boot
- TOPCIT 568 points - October 2024
- Email: [email protected]