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Redux store validation via runtypes


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Redux Schema via Runtypes

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This library provides a reducer that enables full Redux store validation against a known schema defined using the runtypes library.

Inspiration for this library is based on the article Redux and JSON Schema - Two great tastes that go great together.

A common issue with Redux is understanding what your stores schema is (or should be) as your application grows. Running the app and inspecting the store using the Redux dev tools is great for development but is not foolproof, as different reducers may modify the store in inconsistent ways and leave your store in an unexpected state.

This library runs the state returned from the root reducer through runtype validation as a final step. This means that if you dispatch an action and the reducer modifies the store in a way that doesn't match your intended schema, you'll get a validation warning in your console.


  • node v8
  • npm v3


redux-runtypes-schema is an open source library developed by Mobify.


Using redux-runtypes-schema is as easy as passing the root reducer and a runtype definition to the createSchemaReducer function and using that to create your Redux store.

import createSchemaReducer from 'redux-runtypes-schema'
import Runtypes from 'runtypes'

const Schema = Runtypes.Record({
    // Schema defined here using the runtypes library

// Set up project reducer(s)
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
    // all top-level keys for project defined here.

// Wrap project reducer in schema reducer
const reducer = createSchemaReducer(

const store = createStore(reducer)

// TODO: Launch app (render react app with <Provider store={store}>



First, get set up to build, test, and run the library:

$ npm install

redux-runtypes-schema is written using TypeScript and built using Rollup. These are both new technologies to Mobify and would be considered to be in the "evaluate" stage of a "technology radar" a la ThoughtWorks..

Running tests

Run all tests with:

$ npm test

Start jest (the testing tool) in "watch" by running:

$ npm run test:watch

This will start jest and watch for file changes. Any time you change a file and save it, jest will automatically re-run affected tests. This is a very efficient way to develop changes/bugfixes for the library.