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A Python API for marking STIX data.


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Data Markings Concept

Learn more about the Data Markings concept here.


The following examples demonstrate the intended use of the stixmarx library.

Adding Markings

# stixmarx imports
import stixmarx

# python-stix imports
from stix.indicator import Indicator
from stix.data_marking import MarkingSpecification
from stix.extensions.marking.tlp import TLPMarkingStructure as TLP

# Create a new stixmarx MarkingContainer with a
# new STIXPackage object contained within it.
container =

# Get the associated STIX Package
package = container.package

# Create an Indicator object
indicator = Indicator(title='Indicator Title', description='Gonna Mark This')

# Add the Indicator object to our STIX Package

# Build MarkingSpecification and add TLP MarkingStructure
red_marking = MarkingSpecification(marking_structures=TLP(color="RED"))
amber_marking = MarkingSpecification(marking_structures=TLP(color="AMBER"))
green_marking = MarkingSpecification(marking_structures=TLP(color="GREEN"))

# Mark the indicator with our TLP RED marking
# This is the equivalent of a component marking. Applies to all descendants
# nodes, text and attributes.
container.add_marking(indicator, red_marking, descendants=True)

# Mark the indicator with TLP GREEN. If descendants is false, the marking
# will only apply to the indicator node. Does NOT include text, attributes
# or descendants.
container.add_marking(indicator, green_marking)

# Mark the description text.
# >>> type(indicator.description.value)  <type 'str'>
indicator.description.value = container.add_marking(indicator.description.value, amber_marking)
# >>> type(indicator.description.value)  <class 'stixmarx.api.types.MarkableBytes'>

# Mark the indicator timestamp attribute.
# >>> type(indicator.timestamp)  <type 'datetime.datetime'>
indicator.timestamp = container.add_marking(indicator.timestamp, amber_marking)
# >>> type(indicator.timestamp)  <type 'stixmarx.api.types.MarkableDateTime'>

# Print the XML!
print container.to_xml()

Retrieving Markings

# stixmarx
import stixmarx

# Parse the input into a MarkingContainer
container = stixmarx.parse("stix-document.xml")

# Get container package
package = container.package

# Get the markings that apply to the entire XML document
global_markings = container.get_markings(package)

# Print the dictionary representation for our only global marking
marking = global_markings[0]
print marking.to_dict()

# Get our only indicator from the STIX Package
indicator = package.indicators[0]

# Get the markings from the Indicator.
# Note: This will include the global markings and any other markings
# applied by an ancestor!
indicator_markings = container.get_markings(indicator)

# Print the Indicator markings!
for marking in indicator_markings:
    print marking.to_dict()


This software was produced for the U. S. Government, and is subject to the Rights in Data-General Clause 52.227-14, Alt. IV (DEC 2007).

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