Installing dependencies on Ubuntu 12.10
sudo apt-get install jekyll node-less
Installing dependencies on older Ubuntu and Debian distributions
sudo apt-get install rubygems ruby1.9.1-dev build-essential
sudo gem install jekyll json less therubyracer
- update DOWNLOAD_VERSION in _config.yml
- run jekyll
- output will be in _site/
- Translations can be done on transifex
- You must be a native speaker for the language you choose to translate.
- At least one other reviewer is required.
- Changing the meaning of any statement should be avoided. In doubt, you can open a discussion on transifex.
- Sentences and popular expressions should be adapted so that they sound native in your language.
- Begin, Add language code where required in _config.yml.
- Import, Download the translated .yml file from transifex and put that file in _translations.
- Images, Translate the few images that contain text with a vector image editing software like Inkscape. Translations for these images are at the end of the imported .yml translation file. Make sure to convert all texts to paths when saving final svg files.
- Vocabulary, Add correct alphabetical order for your language in the vocabulary page.
- Preview, Check if all pages are complete, test each links, check that texts with a limited size display nicely. For example, right side buttons and some titles have height or width restrictions.
You can import all translations (complete and incomplete) from transifex using the transifex client:
tx init
tx set --auto-remote
tx pull -a -s --skip
Then, you can overwrite any specific translation in the _translations folder by one of these files. You might also need to make sure that each .html files (including the layout) don't serve outdated content for those languages. You should also make sure that no urls or anchor has been changed.
Any change in the english texts can be done through a pull request on github. If your changes affect the html layout of a page, you should apply fallback html code for other languages until they are updated.
{% case page.lang %}
{% when 'fr' %}
(outdated french content)
{% else %}
(up to date english content)
{% endcase %}
When translation is needed: If you want all changes you've made to be re-translated, you can simply update the resource file (en.yml) on transifex.
When translation is not needed: If you are only pushing typo fixes and that you don't want translators to redo all their work again, you can use the transifex client to pull translations, update en.yml and push back all translations at once:
tx init
tx set --auto-remote
tx pull -a -s --skip
tx set --source -r bitcoinorg.bitcoinorg -l en translations/bitcoinorg.bitcoinorg/en.yml
(update en.yml)
tx push -s -t -f --skip --no-interactive
You can easily put an alert on the website by changing the ALERT and ALERT_CLASS variables in _config.yml.
You can both set one fallback alert for all languages and many translated alerts for specific languages.
all: <strong>Security alert:</strong> Please upgrade to 0.8.1 as soon as possible!
fr: <strong>Alerte de sécurité:</strong> Mettez Bitcoin à jour vers la version 0.8.1 sans délais!
all: error
fr: error
This will produce an english red alert box for all languages, and a translated red alert box for french language.
Possible classes are: error (red), info (blue), success (green) and warning (yellow)
Release notes should be placed in _posts/releases/
and adhere to this format:
layout: post
title: Bitcoin version 0.3.24 released
category: releases
Bitcoin v0.3.24 is now available for download at
is used to construct the URL. Something likev0.3.24
will be finelayout: post
important for Jekylltitle: ...
will be used as the titlesrc: ...
(optional) link to full annoucementcategory: ...
category of post **releases
Aliases for contributors are defined in _config.yml
s_nakamoto: Satoshi Nakamoto
--author=Satoshi Nakamoto: Satoshi Nakamoto
gavinandresen: Gavin Andresen