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Seabass is a code editor for mobile devices.

Supported platforms:

  • Sailfish OS
    Available in the Jolla store or from the OpenRepos.
  • Ubuntu Touch
    Available in the OpenStore.

Seabass on Sailfish OS (dark) Seabass on Sailfish OS (with OSK) Seabass on Ubuntu Touch Seabass on Ubuntu Touch (creating new project)


All platforms:

  • Syntax highlighting for over 100 programming/markup languages
  • Multiple tabs
  • Code navigation buttons
  • Light and dark themes
  • Reading indentation preferences from .editorconfig files
  • Creating/deleting files from within the app

Ubuntu Touch:

  • Adaptive layout
  • File tree
  • Create and build QML, C , Python and HTML projects using Clickable
  • Intellisense for C , JavaScript, TypeScript and Python

Build instructions


  • Node.js (any recent version should work)
  • pipenv (optional, to run tests for python modules)
  • Sailfish SDK (for Sailfish OS)
  • clickable (for Ubuntu Touch)

Ubuntu Touch

Run clickable (in the project root directory).

Sailfish OS

  1. git submodule update --init
  2. Build editor engine
    1. Install editor dependencies and build tools: npm ci
    2. Build editor engine and copy required files to the build directory: npm run build -- --config-name=sfos
  3. Build App
    • Build harbour-seabass using Sailfish SDK

Running tests:

  1. Editor: npm test
  2. Python modules:
    1. cd generic/py-backend
    2. pipenv install -d
    3. pipenv run pytest **/*.py
  3. Ubuntu Touch app:
    • QML: clickable test


Bug reports and feature requests are very appreciated, as so pull requests! Please see wiki for project docs. Unit tests for editor, python modules and ubports-seabass might also be useful.