This project was developed to learn react after taking a course on react.js. All pictures, API's and data used in this project is for testing purposes only.
Link to the website:
- React (JSX, state, components, props, child-parent relationship)
- NPM pacakages and dependencies
- Javascript ES6 syntax (class, arrow function, spread operator)
- More GIT (integration with VSC, GitHub)
- API calls (using fetch in js)
- Handling JSON (access data with different formats)
- Simple search Algorithm (with data from API)
- Sketching UI (Used Lunacy) before coding the front end. I learned this the hard way; I did a total redesign of the project mid-way through.
This application is structured and developed to be able to easily add new content. The important data is stored in Categories.json. A category-name, path to category-logo, path to api-function and a path to a search-function can be provided. The search-function is optional, but name, logo and api-function is required for the category to be rendered. The api and search function should return a promise with an array with the quote-content.
- Add in in the
- Name
- Path to logo,
- Path to api-function
- Path to search-algorithm (optional)
- Searchbar placeholder (optional)
- Path to hover logos, in an array, MAX 5 images. (optional)
See example below:
"name": "Movie",
"logo": "logos/movie.png",
"hover_logos": ["logos/Movie/movieReel.png", "logos/Movie/popcorn.png", "logos/Movie/movieBoard.png"],
"api_function": "API/Movie_API",
"search_algorithm": "Search Algorithm/Movie_searchAlg",
"search_placeholder": "James Bond"
Thats it. Just make sure the path is right, in the example above the path is absolute within /src
. Reload the application and the new category should appear in the categories.
The application expects the api function to return a promise. The value of the promise should be an array with this syntax:
["quote", "author"]
// Example
["Bond. James Bond.", "James Bond"]
The function will have a filter as a parameter, but this will only have a value if the search algorithm is implemented within the same category. If so, it is expected that the API will be able to find content with provided information. Learn more about what information is included in the filter below.
The Searchbar
component will use the search algorithm if it is provided. Note this component will not render if this function is not declared in Categories.json
. The algorithm will be provided with a inputvalue
and number of suggestions
, which limits the number of suggestions that the searchbar will provide at the time.
Each result in the searchbar has some content and a type. Types is specified within each search algorithm. E.g in the movie category there are 6 different types of content that can be used.
- Year
- Category
- Actor
- Character
- Movie
- Quote
The search algorithm must return an array of suggestions wrapped in an object.
["type", "content"]
// Example
["Character", "James Bond"],
["Movie", "Jaws"],
["Year", 2005]
The results from the search algorithm will work as a filter. This filter will be passed to the api function so it can find content based on this filter.
Therefore if a suggestion is choosed it will act as a filter for every new quote that is requested. E.g if "James Bond (Character)" is choosed in the suggestions each time a New Quote
is pressed, only quotes with "James Bond" as a character will be displayed. This filter can be reset by using the "exit "icon in the searchbar. Other inputs in the search bar that is searched with the enter
key, will act as a more general filter without the type specified.
The background color of the quote page is changed each time a new quote is requested. The excact value of the color is specified in HSL (hue, saturation, lightness). To ensure that the color has good contrast with the other elements, which are white, I have made a function that will randomly select an appropriate color. By using these values for hue, saturation and lightness, the color has good contrast with white and is also "colorful".
- Hue 0 - 360 (all colors)
- Saturation 30 - 100 (avoid low saturation to give more color to the site)
- Lightness 70 - 80 (avoid too low lightness to give good contrast, and too high to avoid dark colors)
For animations in this project I have used a package based on the popular animation library anime.js
called react-anime
import Anime from 'react-anime'
<Anime ...animeProps>
Animeprops will take props the same way as anime.js does. This package provides a component that can be wrapped around other components for easily making animations. Documentation about anime.js can be found here:
When fetching a new quote a timer is started, if the API takes longer than a set delay to respond, a popup dialog will show up. This is to prevent users being confused as to why there are no quotes showing in a specific category. The cause behind the quotes not showing could an API that is no longer running.
Documentation about the API's I used for the quotes can be found in these links.
Movie Quotes:
Breaking Bad:
Coding Quotes:
The simpsons:
Ron Swanson:
Note: this is just static data that is imported into the application.