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Neural MP: A Generalist Neural Motion Planner

This repository is the official implementation of Neural MP: A Generalist Neural Motion Planner

Neural MP is a machine learning-based motion planning system for robotic manipulation tasks. It combines neural networks trained on large-scale simulated data with lightweight optimization techniques to generate efficient, collision-free trajectories. Neural MP is designed to generalize across diverse environments and obstacle configurations, making it suitable for both simulated and real-world robotic applications. This repository contains the implementation, data generation tools, and evaluation scripts for Neural MP.

Authors: Murtaza Dalal*, Jiahui Yang*, Russell Mendonca, Youssef Khaky, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Deepak Pathak

If you find this codebase useful in your research, please cite:

    title={Neural MP: A Generalist Neural Motion Planner},
    author={Murtaza Dalal and Jiahui Yang and Russell Mendonca and Youssef Khaky and Ruslan Salakhutdinov and Deepak Pathak},
    journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.05864},

Table of Contents


  • Conda
  • NVIDIA GPU with appropriate drivers (for GPU support)

Installation Instructions

1. Environment Setup

The system has been tested with: Python3.8, CUDA12.1, RTX3090 GPU with driver version 535

1.1 Environment Variables

export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-12.1/bin:$PATH
export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-12.1/
export WANDB_API_KEY=your_wandb_api_key_here
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1  # Crucial for fast SubprocVecEnv performance!

1.2 Create Conda Environment

conda create -n neural_mp python=3.8
conda activate neural_mp

2. System Dependencies

Install required system libraries:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y \
    swig cmake libgomp1 libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev libpython3.8 \
    libxcursor-dev libxrandr-dev libxinerama-dev libxi-dev libegl1 \
    libglfw3-dev libglfw3 libgl1-mesa-glx libfdk-aac-dev libass-dev \
    libopus-dev libtheora-dev libvorbis-dev libvpx-dev libssl-dev \
    libboost-serialization-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-system-dev \
    libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev libeigen3-dev libode-dev \
    libyaml-cpp-dev libboost-python-dev libboost-numpy-dev libglfw3-dev \
    libgles2-mesa-dev patchelf libgl1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-glx libglew-dev \

3. Clone Repository

To clone the repository with all its submodules, use the following command:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd neuralmotionplanner

If you"ve already cloned the repository without the --recurse-submodules flag, you can initialize and update the submodules like so:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Create directories to store real world data

mkdir real_world_test_set && cd real_world_test_set  && \
mkdir collected_configs collected_pcds collected_trajs evals && cd ..

4. Python Dependencies

4.1 Set up OMPL

We provide two ways to install the OMPL:

  1. Build from source as appeared on the official installation guide
./ --python
  1. However, in case the compilation doesn"t go through successfully, we provide a pre-compiled zip file as an alternate approach
unzip containers/

After installation, run

echo "<path to neuralmotionplanner folder>/neuralmotionplanner/ompl-1.5.2/py-bindings" >> ~/miniconda3/envs/neural_mp/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ompl.pth

4.2 Install PyTorch and PyTorch3D

pip install torch==2.1.0 torchvision==0.16.0 torchaudio==2.1.0 --index-url
pip install "git+"

4.3 Install Project Dependencies

pip install -e pybullet-object-models/
pip install -e robomimic/
pip install -e pointnet2_ops/
pip install -e robofin/
pip install -e ./
pip install -r requirements.txt

In practice we found that pointnet2_ops extension is not easy to build and often raises import errors. Hence, we offer our pre-compiled file. Using python3.8, torch2.1.0 and CUDA12.1, you can install the package without compiling new extensions. Please note, in order to use the pre-compiled extension, you need to comment out this part of code in, otherwise it will rebuild and overwrite the file.

4.4 For contributers

pre-commit install

5. Real World Dependencies

If you are interested to run Neural MP in the real world, please install ManiMo.

  1. Set MANIMO_PATH as an environment variable in the .bashrc file:
    export MANIMO_PATH={FOLDER_PATH_TO_MANIMO}/manimo/manimo
  2. Run the setup script on the client computer. Note that mamba setup does not work, always use miniconda:
  3. Run the setup script on the server computer. Note that mamba setup does not work, always use miniconda:

To verify that the installation works, run the polymetis server on NUC by running the following script under the scripts folder:


Real World Deployment

Real world deployment commands on a setup of a single Franka robot with default panda gripper and multiple Intel Realsense Cameras

Camera Calibration

Step 1: Setup camera id and intrinsics in ManiMo camera config at multi_real_sense_neural_mp

  1. Replace device_id with the actual camera id shown on its label
  2. Execute script Replace intrinsics with the terminal output.
python neural_mp/real_utils/ -n <camera serial id>

python neural_mp/real_utils/ -n 102422076289
  1. You may add/delete camera configs to accomendate the actual number of cameras you are using (in our setup we have 4 cameras). You can also adjust other camera parameters according to your need, but please follow the naming convention in the config file.

Step 2: Calibration with Apriltag

  1. Print an Apriltag and attach it to the panda gripper, the larger the better, click here to visit the April Tag generator (in our case we are using a 50mm Apriltag from tag family tagStandard52h13, ID 17)
  2. Update the Apriltag specification into calibration_apriltag.yaml. You may set display_images to True to debug the images captured by the camera
  3. Clear any potential obstacles in front of the robot.
  4. Execute script for each camera, it will automatically calibrate camera extrinsics and save it as a .pkl file. Specify the index of the camera you want to calibrate and make sure the apriltag will be in view during calibration. You may activate the --flip flag to turn the end effector 180deg, so the apriltag could be captured by the cameras behind the robot.
# e.g. calibrate camera 1 which locates at the back of the robot 
python neural_mp/real_utils/ -c 1 --flip

Step 3: Manual Offset Tuning

In step 2, the calibration process will assume the center of the Apriltag locates exactly at the end effector position, which is normally not the case. There will exist a small xyz shift between the Apriltag and the actual end-effector position. To mitigate this error, we need to go through step 3 to update the mv_shift param in multi_real_sense_neural_mp.

  1. Execute script
python neural_mp/real_utils/
  1. Open the printed web link (should be something like for meshcat visualization
  2. Now you should be able to see the point clouds captured by your cameras, as well as a yellow "ground truth" robot in simulation. After the apriltag calibration, the captured point clouds should look almost correct, but with a small xyz shift. So now you should manually shift the point cloud so the robot points in the point cloud is overlapping with the "ground truth" simulated robot. After you execute the script you will see the terminal guidance for this process. Once this is done, the script will print out the final xyz shift param, copy and paste them to replace mv_shift in multi_real_sense_neural_mp.

Franka Basic Control Center

The script has integrated some basic control commands for the robot, such as reset, open/close gripper, get current end effector pose / joint angles, etc. After executing the script, you will see terminal guidance on how to run those commands.

python neural_mp/real_utils/

Deploy Neural MP

We have uploaded our pre-trained model to hugging face, so you can easily load it by:

from neural_mp.real_utils.model import NeuralMPModel
neural_motion_planner = NeuralMPModel.from_pretrained("mihdalal/NeuralMP")

Note this only loads the base policy so test time optimization is not included.

To deploy Neural MP in the real world, please check the NeuralMP class in We also provide a deployment example, which uses NeuralMP class with the Manimo control library. You may also use other Franka control libraries. Just create a wrapper class based on FrankaRealEnv, please follow the specified naming convensions.

Here"s an example of running with test time optimization and an in hand object. (size: 10cm x 10cm x 10cm ; relative pose to the end-effetor [xyz, xyzw] = [0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 1])

python neural_mp/real_utils/ --tto --train-mode --in-hand --in-hand-params 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 1

Additionally you may use the --mdl-url argument to switch between different Neural_MP checkpoints. Now its default to "mihdalal/NeuralMP".

Real World Evaluations

For all the eval script we give detailed terminal guidance through out the whole process. We also have meshcat support to let you preview robot actions before real world execution. (again, you need to open the printed web link, should be something like

Collect Eval Configs

Manually collect target configurations for real world evaluation, the collected set will be saved in the output folder. Here is the detailed procedure:

  1. Execute the script, and wait for it to initialize
python neural_mp/real_utils/ -n <config name>
  1. Put franka in white mode, move robot to your desired configuration, then switch back to blue mode and reconnect the ManiMo controller
  2. Enter "y" in the terminal to save current config
  3. Repeat step 2 and 3 until you collected all the config you need. Enter "n" to exit

Neural MP Eval

There are two types of evaluations for Neural MP: motion planning with objects in hand and not in hand. Below shows the basic eval command

python neural_mp/real_evals/ --mdl_url <hugging face url to the model repo> --cfg-set <name of the eval config> -l <name of the eval log file>

To execute a hand free eval with our provided checkpoint using test time optimization, you need to specify the name of the eval config, name of the eval log file and also turn on the relevant flags.

python neural_mp/real_evals/ --cfg-set <name of the eval config> -l <name of the eval log file> --tto --train-mode

To execute an in-hand eval with our provided checkpoint using test time optimization, you need to turn on the --in-hand flag and also specify the bounding box of the in hand object. For --in-hand-params, you need to specify 10 params in total [size(xyz), pos(xyz), ori(xyzw)] 3+3+4.

python neural_mp/real_evals/ --cfg-set <name of the eval config> -l <name of the eval log file> --tto --train-mode --in-hand --in-hand-param <geometric info>

We also have some useful debugging flags for the eval, such as --debug-combined-pcd. Once turned on, it will show you the visualization of the combined point cloud captured by the cameras.

To see all of the options available, run

python neural_mp/real_evals/ --help

Baseline Evals

MPiNets (Motion Policy Networks)

python neural_mp/real_evals/ --mdl-path <MPiNets ckpt path> --cfg-set <name of the eval config> -l <name of the eval log file>


python neural_mp/real_evals/ <planning time> <number of waypoints in the trajectory> --cfg-set <name of the eval config> -l <name of the eval log file>

# in our case, we were using 10s and 80s as the planning time and 50 as the number of trajectory waypoints

Coming Soon

Please stay tuned, we will soon be releasing the full dataset used to train our model (1M simulated trajectories), the data-generation code, the training code and dockerfiles to make the entire running process much smoother.


Please cite the Neural MP paper if you use this code in your work:

    title={Neural MP: A Generalist Neural Motion Planner},
    author={Murtaza Dalal and Jiahui Yang and Russell Mendonca and Youssef Khaky and Ruslan Salakhutdinov and Deepak Pathak},
    journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.05864},


PyTorch Code for Neural MP: A Generalist Neural Motion Planner






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