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15 Commits

Repository files navigation

Post sample



expo init post-syd-sample expo install @react-navigation/native react-native-reanimated react-native-gesture-handler react-native-screens react-native-safe-area-context @react-native-community/masked-view @react-navigation/stack react-native-paper @react-navigation/drawer @use-expo/font axios expo-linear-gradient expo-blur

  • git commit -am "Module resolver added to babel.config.js for absolute paths"
  • git commit -am "RN Expo BoilerPlate constructed"
  • git commit -am "Assets added"
  • git commit -am "Navigation Structured"
  • git commit -am "Theme Context system added"
  • git commit -am "Common components build"
  • git commit -am "Drawer Screens initiated"
  • git commit -am "Task Screens initiated"
  • git commit -am "Custom Hook constructed for HTTP req"
  • git commit -am "Working Draft 1"
  • git commit -am "Working Draft 2 Credits Update"
  • Deployed to expo
  • Push to github

Task Detail

Using the API endpoint


Create a simple React Native app with two screens:


A screen containing a list of posts, each cell displaying the title of the post. Tapping a cell should take you to Screen2.


The detail screen for the selected post

  • ● Back button should take you back to screen 1
  • ● Post title
  • ● Post body
  • ● Post username
  • ● Post comments (cells with their names and bodies)

Please do not focus on the UI, the focus of this exercise should be the quality of the code. The use of any 3rd party library is permitted. The solution can be submitted via a zip archive or as a GIT repo (preferred solution).