Things to be checked before starting the application:
- Update the file with your MySQL username and password
- Create a new database schema with name springboot_rabbitmq_example
- Update the spring.datasource.url if you are using a remote database.
- Ensure that you have a rabbitmq server running and correctly configured in
Application flow:
- Once the application is started, open the same in a browser http://localhost:8080
- Create a new Product record
- Notice that the value for "Are Mails Sent" in the http://localhost:8080/product/show/1 is currently set to false.
- There is a link at the bottom of this record "Send emails through queue listener"
- When this link is clicked, a message is put in a rabbitmq queue, the browser is redirected back to the product show page without getting blocked.
- This message is read and processed by MailSender class.
- We have added a sleep of 10 seconds in MailSender.receiveMesage() to replicate a slow mail sending process.
- On the browser, keep refreshing the page: http://localhost:8080/product/show/1
- You will notice that the value for "Are Mails Sent" changes to true after 10 seconds.