Really old (most development in 2016) wrapper for the Discord bot API in Groovy. Code might not be the cleanest and some variable names are not pretty because I was 13 when I wrote most of this (a lot of commit names have been scrubbed for the same reason). Consider using (not sure which of these are active anymore):
Features, good or bad:
- No event enum or classes, so doesn"t crash when Discord"s API adds a new event.
- Raw websocket json listener
- Channel/message types are ints, but constants and helper methods exist.
- Permissions are handled
- No async. Threadpool for websocket events.
- No voice
- No embed DSL, you just use maps. So even JsonBuilder would work.
- Pretty much no features after audit logs, except intents
- Used to have a status package which supported the api.
- Small binary size (?) considering.
- DSL, see examples/dsl
- CommandBot, see examples/bot
- @CompileStatic pretty much everywhere, so as fast as regular Java
methods only work on names or IDs
// discordg:
role.edit(name: "New role name", color: 0xFF00FF)
// discord4j:
role.edit(new Color(0xFF00FF), role.hoisted, "New role name", role.permissions, role.mentionable)
// jda:
role.managerUpdatable.nameField.setValue("New role name").colorField.setValue(new Color(0xFF00FF)).update().queue()
// alternatively
role.managerUpdatable.with {
nameField.value = "New role name"
colorField.value = new Color(0xFF00FF)
// javacord:
role.with {
updateName "New role name" get()
updateColor new Color(0xFF00FF) get()
// or same as discord4j except the edit method is called update
def client = new Client()
def webhook = [webhook: true, id: 300000000000, token: "300000"]
client.sendMessage(webhook, "Hello")
def webhook = new Webhook(client) = 300000000000
webhook.token = "300000"
def webhook = client.requestWebhook(300000000000, "300000")