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SCSS/CSS starting-point for every project. Mixes smacss namespaced h5bp things with other stuff I use all the time. It includes all the nice things from H5BP nicely namespaced using SMACSS


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bonescss is a bare-bones CSS framework. It provides tools that enable you to focus on the awesome parts of CSS.

  • make use of smacss namespaced class-names by default
  • all the h5bp CSS defaults are there and up to date
  • 100% BEM compatible
  • Bootstrap mode that generates ready to use classess

Unlike Compass or Bourbon, bonescss is not meant to provide mixins for bower compatibility. autoprefixer does that job very well.

##Installation There are two ways to install it:

  1. add node_modules to your SCSS directories then npm install bonescss --save-dev, then @include the individual files in your SCSS files
  2. Or checkout this repository into your SCSS directory and use it as a boilerplate: git clone your-scss-directory

##Usage You can add it to your existing SASS setup and make use of all the mixins and helpers or you can let it generate helper classes in boilerplate mode.

  1. Using only the mixins on your own classes.
  • all you have to include is 0.setting and mixins
  • adapt the different 0.setting's file to your project.
  1. Use it in as boilerplate with placeholder selectors or classes.
  • include and adapt main.scss
  • adapt the differet 0.setting's file to your project.



  • $boilerplate-mode [true] will generate ready to use placeholder selectors that can be used with extend and/or regular classes for each helper depending on the $xxx-selector config

  • $layout-selectors ["%l-" ".l-"], $text-selectors ["%t-" ".t-"] etc... will prefix you classes and placeholders with smacssy names just remove the l-, t- etc. if you don't want this


  • $colors (map) a map containing your named colors.

  • c (function) helper function to use the colors: c(blue)

  • $gradients (map) contains only linear gradients for now

  • gradient (function) usage: background: gradient(dark);


  • $s-base should be the most important size in your app/website design. Usually 1rem/16px, depending on the design. Used for gaps and grids, Try to express every size with this number later on. Its mandatory though.

  • $s-design-width [1024] sets the default max-with of your website. Used in some helper classes

  • $s-golden [1.61803398875] golden radio, just because

  • $sizes (map) a place to maintain and name your spaces

  • s (function) usage: s(small) returns a space by name from $sizes

  • $breakpoints (map) contains the breakpoints of the project


  • $t-default-font-size [$s-base] Used as base font size for all the size mixins and functions. Usually set to the body font size.

  • $t-default-font-... Sets the defaults for the most common font on the app

  • $types (map) a list of all your typographical elements, only add attributes that are different from the default

  • t (function) @include t(title) render all the CSS attributes your titles needs


Contains the part H5BP's main.css before Author's custom styles


All rules inside this file are prefixed with .l- and %l- but you can overwrite this variable $layout-selectors: "%l-" ".l-";

  • .l-clearfix (@mixin clearfix) h5bp's cleafix

  • .l-size-width (@mixin site-witdh) Used as a class for containers. Sets the with of the design and centers it. (Also set it to position relative)

  • .l-horizontal-list (@mixin horizontal) Makes a UL or OL list display horizontally

  • .l-horizontal (@mixin horizontal($childSelector: '*')) Does the same then .l-horizontal-list but for every element.

  • .l-horizontal-samewidth-list (@mixin horizontal($type: samewidth)) Uses table layout to make a list that is horizontal where the total with of the list is divided by the number of children.

  • .l-horizontal-equidistant (@mixin horizontal($type: equidistant, $childSelector: '*')) Every element inside this container will have equal distances in between.

  • .l-table, .l-table-row, .l-table-cell (@mixin table, table-row, table-cell) Used for table layouts. Because yes sometimes I use them. .l-table-cell comes with a modifier .l-table-cell--max and .l-table-cell--min. .l-table-cell--min Is always as wide as its contents. and .l-table-cell--max as wide as possible inside the table layout.

  • .l-horizontal-extremities (@mixin horizontal-extremities) Floats all children right and the first one left. Also extends .l-clearfix.

  • .l-fill (@mixin fill) Uses position:absolute and fills its context.

  • .l-centered Used for a CSS only modal-box. Will always be centered, scrollable and will have the size of its content. Works in all cool browsers and IE8 . in order to Make it work you have to use the following DOM structure:

    • .centered
      • .centered-container
        • .centered-inner
          • .centered-content
            • .centered-body

    If you don't need to support uncool browser is suggest you use the mixin center-absolute().

  • @mixin center-absolute($direction:both|horizontal|vertical) Absolutely centers an element in it's parent horizontal, vertically or in both directions


The helpers are mostly text helpers. This is why the rules are prefixed with %t- and .t-, this can be changed by overwriting: $text-selectors: "%t-" ".t-";

  • .t-selectable, .t-not-selectable Will set user-select: none; or user-select: text;.

  • .t-antialiased (@mixin antialiased) -webkit-font-smooting: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

  • .t-truncate (@mixin truncate) Will truncate text using overflow ellipsis.

  • @mixin smoothscroll ($axis:y/x) Will make the overflow-y or x play nice on IOS.

    overflow-y: scroll;
    -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;


The print part from H5BP main.css


In SMACSS states are prefixed with .is- but here as well you can modify this with:

$state-selectors: "%is-" ".is-"; $state-selectors-and: "&%is-" "&.is-";

  • .is-visuallyhidden & .is-visuallyhidden-focusable (@mixin visuallyhidden, @mixin visuallyhidden-focusable) Hide only visually, but have it available for screen readers. H5BP

  • .is-invisible Hide visually and from screen readers, but maintain layout

  • .is-disabled (@mixin disabled) Generic class to make any element disabled by removing pointer events and lower the opacity

  • .is-hidden (@mixin hidden) Hide visually and from screen readers: H5BP

  • .is-visible (@mixin visible) Used to show elements. Will set to inherit by default, but can be block inline or inline-block as well just use the modifiers --block, --inline or --inline-block.

  • .is-loading Generic loading class. Will make elements with this class pulsate.


Includes all the mixins and functions

Size / Metrics

  • @mixin px2percent ($size,$contextSize) Converts any size into percents. If in some PSD file your design is 1024px wide and some sidebar in this design has a width of 300px you would use the function like this: width: px2percent(300px,1024px)

  • @mixin px2rel($px, $baseSize, $unit) Will convert any pixel unit to a relative unit. Usually used to convert font-sizes. If for example your h1 should have a font-size of 40px and your base font-size is 16px. The function would be used as such: font-size: px2rel(40px, 16px) The default unit will be rem you can set it to something else (like EM) by using the third argument. If you set $s-font-base in your options somewhere you don't have to pass the second argument.

  • @mixin font-size($px) Sets a font size with a PX fallback for old browsers font-size: font-size(16px) will result in

    font-size: 16px;
    font-size: 1rem:
  • line-height($px) Set a line-height with a PX fallback exactly as the font-size function


  • triangle( $height, $color, $direction, $width ) Creates a CSS triagnle using the border trick. if $width is not set it will be the same as the height.

  • circle( $size, $color ) Make a circle of a given color using border radius


Logo: (CC) Alexandra Hawkhead


SCSS/CSS starting-point for every project. Mixes smacss namespaced h5bp things with other stuff I use all the time. It includes all the nice things from H5BP nicely namespaced using SMACSS







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