- 🌎 I am from the USA 🤠
- 🎓 I’m currently using C#, Tauri, and JavaScript/TypeScript, and Rust
- I like to make desktop apps and websites as well as designing UI
- 🔥 I’m currently working on Nucleus, a text editor
- 🖥️ Extra: Check out other cool project I did!
- Termello, a terminal emulator.
- scp-terminal, a desktop app for navigating https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/ via a cool looking commandline.
- Corepad, a basic notepad app for Windows.
- Looking for a project to contribute on? Help is wanted!
Here's a little summary of what I know
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- C#
- Java
- Python
- Rust
- .NET
- Bootstrap
- Svelte
- Electron
- Tauri
- Vue
- Nuxt