Ethernaut, but in Huff.
forge install
make poc-fallback
make poc-fal1out
make poc-coinflip
make poc-telephone
make poc-telephone
make poc-delegation
make poc-force
make poc-vault
make poc-king
Install VSCode Huff extension.
This repository is inspired by or directly modified from the following resources:
The smart contracts in this repository are used to demonstrate vulnerability issues only. Therefore some contracts are vulnerable, some are simplified for minimal, and some contain malicious code. Hence, do not use any source code in your production.
These smart contracts are being provided as is. No guarantee, representation, or warranty is being made, express or implied, regarding the safety or correctness of the user interface or the smart contracts. There can be no assurance they will work as intended. Users may experience delays, failures, errors, omissions, loss of transmitted information, or loss of funds. The creators are not liable for any of the preceding. Users should proceed with caution and use at their own risk.