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This Docker image pretends to define an opinionated way to manage the versioning process of a software project which already follows semantic versioning.

It uses the awesome semver script created by @fsaintjacques, wrapping it in a Docker container and adding an entrypoint to perform specific tasks related to versioning.

The process will consist in the following steps:

  • Detect project type
  • Read the versioning file based on project type
  • Calculate the next version related to the bump you are doing: minor, major, patch, etc.
  • Stash your existing changes in the git branch you are working on
  • Move to the master branch
  • Create a git commit in the master branch with the bump
  • Create a git tag at that commit with the bump, removing existing with same same
  • Move to your working branch
  • Pop stashd changes

Supported Project types

At this moment we support NodeJS, Gradle and custom type projects.


We read the package.json file at project root folder, and we execute npm version $TYPE to perform the bump.


We read the file at project root folder, and look for the version= key. Then we replace that value to perform the bump.

Custom type

We read a VERSION.txt file at the project root folder, which must contain just a valid Semver version. Then we replace that value to perform the bump.

This VERSION.txt file can be overriden passing a VERSION_FILENAME environment variable, with the name of the file containing the Semver version value.


It's mandatory to define a volume to your project's workspace, so that the running container is able to find the versioning descriptor.

Environment variables

Following environment variables must be set in the running container:


Defines whether the running container creates a Git tag on your project or not.

If not set, the running container create the git tag. If you want to disallow the creation of the tag, set this environment variable with any value different than true.


Defines whether the running container performs the operations or it simply logs a message.

If not set, the running container will perform the operations. If you want to show the results of the execution, set this environment variable with a value of true.


Defines the author of the commit representing the bump.

If not set, it will use webump.


Defines the email of the commit representing the bump.

If not set, it will use [email protected].


Defines the name of the file containing a semantic versioning, valid version value.

If not set, the running container will try to read a file named VERSION.txt in the root folder of your project's workspace.


Defines the type of the increment to be performed. The valid values are:

Type Description
major Updates the X part of a x.y.z version, which is a positive integer
minor Updates the Y part of a x.y.z version, which is a positive integer
patch Updates the Z part of a x.y.z version, which is a positive integer
prerel prerel Optional string composed of alphanumeric characters and hyphens
build build Optional string composed of alphanumeric characters and hyphens.

If we read the docs from semver tool:

version: A version must match the following regex pattern:

SEMVER_REGEX="^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\\-[0-9A-Za-z-] (\\.[0-9A-Za-z-] )*)?(\\ [0-9A-Za-z-] (\\.[0-9A-Za-z-] )*)?$"

In english, the version must match X.Y.Z(-PRERELEASE)( BUILD) where X, Y and Z are positive integers, PRERELEASE is an optional string composed of alphanumeric characters and hyphens and BUILD is also an optional string composed of alphanumeric characters and hyphens.


Creating a minor change in Dry-Run mode:

$ docker run --rm \
    -v $PATH_TO_YOUR_PROJECT:/version \
    -e DRY_RUN=true \
    -e GIT_CONFIG_USER_NAME=mdelapenya \
    -e [email protected] \
    -e VERSION_TYPE=minor \

Creating a minor change in a Docker image:

$ docker run --rm \
    -v $PATH_TO_YOUR_PROJECT:/version \
    -e VERSION_TYPE=minor \

Creating a patch change in a project:

$ docker run --rm \
    -v $PATH_TO_YOUR_PROJECT:/version \
    -e VERSION_TYPE=patch \

Creating a patch change in a project using a different version file:

$ docker run --rm \
    -v $PATH_TO_YOUR_PROJECT:/version \
    -e VERSION_FILENAME=.version 
    -e VERSION_TYPE=patch \


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