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/ proposal_template Public template

A LaTeX template for a single-column proposal


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A repo template for single-column proposals

Fork this repository when drafting a new proposal, if you like. On GitHub, click the Use this template button. Follow the installation and compilation instructions below. Read the generated proposal_template.pdf for a sample.


The dependences include:

pdflatex, bibtex, rubber, make, ps2pdf, qpdf, pdftk

Ubuntu 18.04

pdftk's installation on 18.04 is a nuisance. Members of the mcj-group should add the following line to their ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc:

export PATH=${PATH}:'/mnt/ceph/tools/pdftk/3.2.3'


As of macOS 12.0.1, the following brew commands suffice to install the dependences, apart from rubber. Given the nuisance of the tlmgr commands, I now advise brew install --cask mactex instead of basictex.

brew install --cask basictex
brew install ghostscript
brew install qdf
brew install pdftk-java
sudo tlmgr update --self
sudo tlmgr install pdfcrop
sudo tlmgr install collection-latexextra
sudo tlmgr install inconsolata
sudo tlmgr install fourier

You may need to perform some surgery, as per this issue:

sudo sed -i -e 's/&/:/' /usr/local/texlive/2021basic/texmf-dist/tex/latex/lstaddons/lstlinebgrd.sty

You will need to add the basictex bin path to your PATH.

Install rubber following the instructions on GitLab.


Once you install all dependences, you can build this proposal template with

make -j