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2 3 different solutions to a JSONPlaceholder code challenge

Challenge: "You will be working with the JSONPlaceholder API, a fake online REST API used for testing and prototyping.

Your task is to integrate two endpoints from this API. The first endpoint is the 'Todos' API (, and the second is the 'Users' API ( For each todo item, you need to identify the associated user and retrieve details about both the user and the todo.

To accomplish this, you will be querying the 'Todos' endpoint to get a list of todo items.

For each todo item, use the 'userId' to query the 'Users' endpoint and retrieve the corresponding user details.

Your goal is to combine the information from these two sources and format the output as a JSON object like the example below:

{"userName": "Bret", "email": "[email protected]", "todoTitle": "delectus aut autem", "completed": false}

Note: For this exercise, please refrain from using AI tools. However, feel free to use Google for syntax reference or any other programming-related queries.

Useful URLs:

Todos API:

Users API:

Specific User API (example):

The focus of this task is on your ability to work with APIs, process JSON data, and effectively combine information from multiple sources."

Approach 1

-follows the guidance provided by the challenge

-uses userId from /todos to query /users in 205 API calls

Approach 2

-uses /users and /todos in 2 API calls

Approach 3

-uses published and easily found API endpoint

-uses /users and todos data /users/1/todos in 12 API calls


Created to store some recent work






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