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Invoice Text Extraction and NER with TensorFlow/PyTorch and Cloud Deployment (MLOps)

This code outline showcases a high-level approach using TensorFlow/PyTorch for invoice text extraction and NER with custom entities for medical invoices, considering your requirements. Due to project complexity, actual code snippets are limited, but explanations and references are provided.


  • TensorFlow/PyTorch (Choose one): Deep learning framework for building and training the NER model.
  • OpenCV (CV2): For image processing and text region detection.
  • PyTesseract: A wrapper for Google's Tesseract OCR engine.
  • Camelot (Optional): For advanced PDF parsing (consider for complex layouts).
  • Transformers: For loading and utilizing the pre-trained BERT model.
  • Cloud Provider SDK (e.g., AWS SageMaker, Azure ML): For cloud deployment with MLOps practices.
  • Flask (Optional): For developing a web application (if desired).


  1. Preprocessing:

    • Image/PDF Handling: Read the invoice document (image or PDF) using OpenCV or Camelot (for PDFs).
    • Text Region Detection: Apply image processing techniques to identify potential text regions (consider adaptive thresholding or contour detection).
  2. OCR:

    • Utilize PyTesseract to perform OCR on the identified text regions.
    • Configure Tesseract with appropriate language models for improved accuracy.
  3. Text Cleaning:

    • Extract the recognized text from the OCR results.
    • Apply text cleaning techniques (remove noise, line breaks, unnecessary whitespace).
  4. NER Model: (TensorFlow/PyTorch)

    • Data Preparation: Prepare your medical invoice dataset with custom entity annotations (e.g., doctor's note, patient name, medication, dosage).
    • Model Architecture: Choose a pre-trained BERT model (e.g., BioBERT for biomedical text) and fine-tune it for your custom NER task.
    • Training: Train the model on your labeled dataset, monitoring metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score for each entity type.
  5. Metrics and Error Tolerance:

    • OCR Metrics: Evaluate OCR accuracy using metrics like Character Error Rate (CER) or Word Error Rate (WER). Define acceptable error tolerances based on your needs.
    • NER Metrics: Track NER performance using metrics like precision, recall, and F1 score for each custom entity. Determine acceptable error tolerances, focusing on identifying the general presence of entities rather than perfect accuracy.
    • Image Visual Acuity: While not a standard metric, visually assess if the image processing steps preserve the clarity of essential invoice information (e.g., checkboxes not distorted).

Deployment (MLOps):

  • Utilize a cloud platform (e.g., AWS SageMaker, Azure ML) for deployment with MLOps practices.
  • This involves containerizing the model, version control, continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD), and monitoring.

Web Application (Optional):

  • Develop a web application using Flask or a similar framework.
  • The application can accept invoice uploads (image/PDF), process them through the pre-trained pipeline, and display the extracted text with identified entities.

Addressing Requirements:

  • Invoice Complexity: The approach can handle well-formatted invoices with simple fonts. However, for complex layouts, explore advanced techniques like layout analysis with Tesseract 4 LSTM.
  • NER Granularity: You can define custom entity labels for medical invoices, including "doctor's note," along with other relevant entities specific to your domain.
  • Error Tolerances: While striving for high accuracy, define acceptable error tolerances for OCR and NER based on project needs. The focus can be on identifying the general presence of entities rather than absolute precision.
  • Cloud Deployment: The outlined approach facilitates deployment on cloud platforms with MLOps practices for scalability and manageability.

Additional Considerations:

  • Explore integrating with document layout analysis libraries for even better handling of complex invoice layouts.
  • Consider transfer learning strategies if labeled medical invoice data is limited.
  • Continuously monitor and improve model performance over time with new data.

Remember: This is a high-level overview. Specific code implementations will depend on your chosen libraries, frameworks, and cloud platform. Refer to the documentation for each library and cloud platform for detailed usage instructions. .


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