bnd is a swiss army knife for OSGi, it creates manifest headers for you based on analyzing the class code, it verifies your settings, it manages project dependencies, gives you quote of the day, diffs jars, and much more.
The information about bnd can be found at
The git repository contains all code. It contains the following projects:
- aQute.libg - Library to be statically linked (Conditional-Package)
- biz.aQute.bnd - A command line utility and ant plugin
- biz.aQute.bndlib - The core library
- biz.aQute.bndlib.tests - Tests for the core library
- biz.aQute.junit - Junit tester
- biz.aQute.launcher - Launcher
- biz.aQute.repository - Different repos with OBR
- biz.aQute.resolve - OBR Resolver
- cnf - Configuration directory
- demo - Used in testing
- dist - Contains the distribution after building
- docs - GitHub Pages manual for Bnd
All code is Apache 2.0 Licensed so you can do what you want with the source code.
Though I am usually pretty good at backward compatibility, there is no guarantee. This is an unpaid project and one of the most annoying thing of work is being backward compatible on the Java API when you know a better way to do it. Properties will be backward compatible if there is any possibility. So be aware, its ok to use this package but do not complain if new releases require some work.
If you're building a tool with a general audience, e.g. bndtools, that includes bnd for a general audience I would appreciate if you got in touch with me so I can keep in touch. I am always interested in ideas.
bndtools is the development environment of bnd. An earlier Eclipse plugin in bnd is no longer available.
Gradle is used to build bnd. The workspace root has a build.gradle
file that builds all projects in proper order.
- Assembles, tests and releases the projects into dist/bundles
./gradlew :dist:build
- Assembles and tests the projects
./gradlew :dist:index
- Assembles and releases the projects into dist/bundles
The workspace root includes the gradle wrapper, gradlew
, command.
bnd is continuously built and released on CloudBees.
A Maven repository of the latest build is available at A snapshot version of all the bundles and Maven and Gradle plugins is there.
Feedback is always welcome, for general discussions use the [email protected] mail list. We also have the [email protected] mail list for discussions on the development of bnd.
Bugs and issues should go to
Other feedback or specific functionality send to [email protected]
Want to hack on bnd? There are instructions to get you started.
They are probably not perfect, please let us know if anything feels wrong or incomplete.
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