This directory contains Ruby sample programs for various Ice components. These examples are provided to get you started on using a particular Ice feature or coding technique.
The following subdirectories contain sample programs:
Ice has several examples that illustrate fundamental Ice concepts.
IceDiscovery demonstrates the use of our multicast service discovery plug-in.
Manual contains complete examples for some of the code snippets in the Ice manual.
Refer to the C++11 demos for more examples that use Ice services such as IceGrid and IceStorm.
You"ll need to install Ice for Ruby in order to use any of the sample programs. Our documentation describes how to install the Ruby packages.
Refer to the README file in each demo directory for usage instructions.
Note: When running a client with Ruby 1.8, you must start the interpreter with
the -rubygems
option as shown in the example below:
ruby -rubygems Client.rb