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Implementation for TLS species ID paper - [Final name of paper]

(IMPORTANT) A note before this readme begins - the code for this paper was written when the original publication, Revisiting Point Cloud Shape Classification with a Simple and Effective Baseline (Goyal et al., 2021), was under review and code from the original authors was not available. Now that it has been published, you can find it here. You might find that it is better optimised, or in some way more flexible/easier to use. Otherwise, details for this repository can be found below.

Also note that this code has been modified slightly from the original research code, which is quite difficult to read/interpret in places. If you would like access to that version for whatever reason, you can contact me at [email protected], if you remove the dashes and swap the right two words for numbers. The output/performance remains the same. Don't be alarmed by any commit messages like "Fixed bug using val data for both val and test" in this repository; these bugs were not in the original research code and were introduced by the changes I made tidying the code for this repository.



This repository contains code for the paper "Title of paper once published", a deep learning-based tool for the automatic classification of tree species from point cloud data.

Folder Structure

An outline of the layout of this repository can be seen below, including where data is expected to be stored, and in what format. Our data, and metadata can be found here (DOI:10.5281/zenodo.6962717; originally published in Owen et al. 2021). Note that the data at this repository has been downsampled to 5cm resolution to save space. Please cite this data using the DOIs for the zenodo repository (DOI:10.5281/zenodo.6962717) and the original paper ( if you make use of it.

|-- TLSpecies.yml 
|-- data 
|   |-- treesXYZ 
|       |-- tree_id1.txt --> .txt files with containing point cloud data 
|                             i.e x1 y1 z1
|                                 x2 y2 z2
|       |-- tree_id2.txt      
|       |-- ... 
|   |-- meta
|       |-- tree-meta.csv --> metadata file describing species for each sample in treesXYZ
|                             it should have two columns 'id' and 'sp' containing identifiers and species labels
|                             with the id matching the filename for the corresponding pointcloud (w/o file extension)
|                             e.g. 
|                             id        sp
|                             tree_id1  QUEFAG
|                             ...
|-- utils 
|   |-- 
|   |-- --> Custom pytorch dataset, including data augmentation
|   |-- --> Various utilities not directly related to training, plotting & preprocessing etc.
|   |-- --> Training loop
|   |-- --> Test loop
|-- sh 
|   |-- --> Pulls simpleview model code from skeleton repo (; which was available during review)

Demonstration notebook

A demonstration of the entire pipeline from raw data to the forward pass can be seen in demo.ipnyb, including the projection process.

Building PyTorch datasets

The custom dataset class used to perform both 6-way perspective projection and data augmentation can be found in utils/, and its use is demonstrated in demo.ipynb. Note that dataset is loaded in its entirety in one go, and lazy loading for very large datasets is not supported. Transforms will be forced off if performing the forward pass on an entire dataset.


Code for the training loop is located in utils/, with usage demonstrated in demo.ipynb.


The forward pass for both an entire dataset and an individual sample are demonstrated in demo.ipynb


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Revisiting point cloud classification with a simple and effective baseline, Goyal et al., 2021
Competitive drivers of interspecific deviations of crown morphology from theoretical predictions measured with Terrestrial Laser Scanning, Owen et al. 2021