Tramp helm interface for ssh server and docker
M-x helm-tramp
Display server list from your ~/.ssh/config with helm interface.
Filter by helm.
You can connect your server with tramp.
Selecting the list with sudo will lead to the server as root. Selecting the list of '/sudo:root@localhost:/' will open file at localhost as root.
You can edit your server's nginx.conf on your emacs!
If you are using docker-tramp, docker is also supplemented
You can edit docker container on your emacs!
When you finish editing nginx.conf you clean the tramp buffer with tramp-cleanup-all-buffers
Since I can not remember tramp-cleanup-all-buffers
command I set a defalias called exit-tramp
- Emacs 24.3 or higher
- helm 2.0 or higher
You can install helm-tramp.el
from MELPA with package.el
(M-x package-install helm-tramp
You can install docker-tramp.el
from MELPA with package.el
(M-x package-install docker-tramp
(setq tramp-default-method "ssh")
(defalias 'exit-tramp 'tramp-cleanup-all-buffers)
(define-key global-map (kbd "C-c s") 'helm-tramp)
If the shell of the server is zsh it is recommended to connect with bash.
(eval-after-load 'tramp '(setenv "SHELL" "/bin/bash"))
If you want to specify the user name to connect with docker-tramp.
(setq helm-tramp-docker-user "username")