My name is Marko Mitranic, but friends usually call me Maako.
I'm a software architect and lecturer conference speaker and workshop organizer living in København.
- 🇩🇰 I live in beautiful København, Danmark.
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✈️ Over a decade of experience in mentoring, leading successful teams and large projects. - ✨ Building user-centric products and architecting for long-term maintainability.
- 🤖 I find joy in building highly-scalable distributed systems through robust architecture and fault-tolerance.
- 🦊 In my free time I play with my Corgi, read old Sci-Fi, watch anime, play co-op games and learn Elixir.
- 🫀 From VR games, high-availability Microservices, leading department of 35 engineers - to high-traffic Enterprise websites, a CE-approved SaaS for cardiologists with ML-assisted tools they dreamed of, to robust data infrastructure as a service.
I do my best to make enaging content that tickles people’s minds. I’m always open to challenging the mainstream and working on making amazing ideas a reality. 😊
Visit my blog:, for some hot takes.
Want me to speak at your event? 💖 Reach out on LinkedIn, let’s talk.
I explain how i built stuff, and you (hopefully) give me your input. You can expect a lot of code, some traveling, some failed and hopefully some successful projects, hacks, thoughts and music uploads. Heres a taste: