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A service running on Cloudflare Workers or self-hosted using Bun.

Deployment (using D1 as backing storage)

  1. Install Wrangler
  2. wrangler d1 create cf-webhook to create a Durable Object named cf-webhook
  3. Edit wrangler.toml and update database_id in d1_databases section to the id of the created Durable Object. (Also update database_name if you used a different name)
  4. Comment out or remove kv_namespaces sections in wrangler.toml.
  5. wrangler d1 execute cf-webhook --file=./schema.sql
  6. wrangler publish
  7. Visit the published URL and you should see the web interface.

Deployment (using KV as backing storage)

  1. Install Wrangler
  2. wrangler2 kv:namespace create files and wrangler2 kv:namespace create requests to create necessary KV namespaces
  3. Edit wrangler.toml and update namespace_id in kv_namespaces section to the id of the created KV namespace. (Ensure the id matches the correct binding)
  4. Comment out or remove d1_databases section in wrangler.toml.
  5. Edit BACKING_STORAGE in vars section to kv.
  6. wrangler publish
  7. Visit the published URL and you should see the web interface.

Deployment (with Bun)

  1. bun run ./src/bun-entry.ts

Deployment (with Docker)

  1. docker compose up -d


Setup env vars

Create .dev.vars file with the following content:


Setup Local D1

wrangler2 d1 execute cf-webhook --local --file=./schema.sql

Demo instance

Username: admin, Password: admin