- About This Project
- Setup
- Usage
- Continuous Integration, Development and Deployment
- Further documentation
This is the Repo/Code for the DHSC Data Access Platform Frontend. This application primarily utilises the following technologies:
- React
- GovUk React
- Python
- Azure - Web, Function App and Pipelines
With this project we aim to:
- To improve both quality and efficiency of data and insight analysis at a local, regional and national level
- To enable better decision making across all stakeholders to improve the delivery of high-quality care across the sector
- To reduce siloed data sharing and alleviate cost and effort inefficiencies
- To enhance data and insights sharing within the adult social care sector using NHS as a ‘baseline’
This project requires the following pre-requisites:
- Clone the repo to your chosen directory
- Navigate to the App directory
cd app
- Install dependencies
npm i
- Navigate to the root of the project
- Run the command 'make setup-husky'
- Linting and Prettier should now run on any staged changes during pre-commit
To run the application you must ensure you've followed the setup steps
- To run the app via Docker in the project root directory run:
make docker-up
- To run the app via Node:
- Navigate to app directory:
cd app
- spin up the application:
npm start
- To run tests (currently there is low test coverage)
npm test
- Navigate to app directory:
This project uses Azure DevOps Pipelines for continuous integration and deployment. There are currently two environments Dev and Production which we continuously integrate with. The CI/CD Pipeline has the following stages:
- Test: This step runs the tests
- Build and Push: This steps builds a docker image and pushes to container registry
- Deploy: This step deploys the application to Azure Web App
Name | Description |
DHSC Alpha Data | Repository for Data work required for DHSC Alpha |
DHSC Alpha Infrastructure | Infrastructure Repository for the DHSC Alpha Delivery |
Govuk React | An implementation of the GOV.UK Design System in React |