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A comprehensive solution for monitoring your AI models in production
Blazingly-fast 🚀, rock-solid, local application development ➡️ with Kubernetes.
OrientDB is the most versatile DBMS supporting Graph, Document, Reactive, Full-Text and Geospatial models in one Multi-Model product. OrientDB can run distributed (Multi-Master), supports SQL, ACID…
An interpreter for Rust's mid-level intermediate representation
Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives, safely and easily.
Lightning-fast serving engine for any AI model of any size. Flexible. Easy. Enterprise-scale.
AdalFlow: The library to build & auto-optimize LLM applications.
Distributed SQL Engine in Python using Dask
The book every data scientist needs on their desk.
Neon: Serverless Postgres. We separated storage and compute to offer autoscaling, code-like database branching, and scale to zero.
Distributed SQL database in Rust, written as an educational project
BAML is a language that helps you get structured data from LLMs, with the best DX possible. Works with all languages. Check out the playground
Compositional, type-safe schema definitions, which enable auto-derivation of codecs and migrations.
NviWatch: A blazingly fast rust based TUI for managing and monitoring NVIDIA GPU processes
AutoMQ is a cloud-first alternative to Kafka by decoupling durability to S3 and EBS. 10x Cost-Effective. No Cross-AZ Traffic Cost. Autoscale in seconds. Single-digit ms latency.
Faster Whisper transcription with CTranslate2
This is the Study Guide for Learn Machine Learning in 3 Months (PyTorch Curriculum) by Siraj Raval on Youtube
PyGWalker: Turn your pandas dataframe into an interactive UI for visual analysis
Interactive deep learning book with multi-framework code, math, and discussions. Adopted at 500 universities from 70 countries including Stanford, MIT, Harvard, and Cambridge.
Lightweight and extensible compatibility layer between dataframe libraries!
A MNIST-like fashion product database. Benchmark 👇
OpenPose: Real-time multi-person keypoint detection library for body, face, hands, and foot estimation
Stable Diffusion web UI
A collection of notebooks/recipes showcasing some fun and effective ways of using Claude.