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Kafka practice

Kafka Producer: Java API - Basic

  • View basic configuration parameters
  • Confirm we receive the data in a Kafka Console Consumer

Environment variables:

Variable Value
bootstrap_servers localhost:9092
username user
pwd password


  • bootstrap.servers: <bootstrap_servers>
  • sasl.mechanism: SCRAM-SHA-256
  • security.protocol: SASL_SSL
  • sasl.jaas.config: required username="%s" password="%s"
  • key.serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
  • value.serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer

Create a topic:

kafka-topics --command-config playground.config --bootstrap-server <bootstrap_servers> --topic demo_java --create --partitions 3

Consume the topic:

kafka-console-consumer --command-config playground.config --bootstrap-server <bootstrap_servers> --topic demo_java --from-beginning

Kafka Producer: Java API - Callbacks

  • Confirm the partition and offset the message was sent to using Callbacks
  • We'll look at the interesting behavior of StickyPartitioner


Environment variables:

properties :

  • batch.size 會影響到 partition 的選擇
  • partitioner.class: RoundRobinPartitioner StickyPartitioner

Kafka Producer: Java API with Keys

  • Send non-null keys to the Kafka topic
  • Same key = same partition


Kafka Consumer: Java API - Basic

  • Learn how to write a basic consumer to receive data from Kafka
  • View basic configuration parameters
  • Confirm we receive the data from the Kafka Producer written in Java



  • key.deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
  • value.deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
  • my-first-application
  • auto.offset.reset: earliest
    • earliest: automatically reset the offset to the earliest offset
    • latest: automatically reset the offset to the latest offset
    • none: throw exception to the consumer if no previous offset is found for the consumer's group

Kafka Consumer - Graceful shutdown

  • Ensure we have code in place to respond to termination signals

Kafka Consumer: Java API - Consumer Groups

  • Make your consumer in Java consume data as part of a consumer group
  • Observer partition rebalanced mechanisms


Consumer Groups and Partition Rebalanced

  • Moving partitions between consumers is called a rebalanced
  • Reassignment of partitions happened when a consumer leaves or joins a group
  • It also happens if an administrator adds new partitions into a topic


Eager Rebalanced

  • All consumes stop, give up their membership of partitions
  • They rejoin consumer group and get a new partition assignment
  • Problems:
    • During a short period of time, the entire consumer group stops processing
    • Consumers don't necessarily get the same partitions they had before


Cooperative Rebalanced (Incremental Rebalanced)

  • Reassigning a small subset of the partitions from one consumer to another
  • Other consumers that don't have reassigned partitions can still process uninterrupted
  • Can go through several iterations to find a stable assignment (hence "incremental")
  • Avoids stop the world events where all consumers stop processing data


Cooperative Rebalanced, how to use

  • Kafka Consumer: partition.assignment.strategy
    • RangeAssignor: assign partitions on a per-topic basis (can lead to imbalance)
    • RoundRobin: assign partitions on a per-topic in round-robin fashion, optimal balance
    • StickyAssignor: balance like RoundRobin, and then minimises partition movements when consumer join/ leave the group in order to minimise movements
    • CooperativeStickyAssignor: rebalanced strategy is identical to StinkyAssignor but supports cooperative rebalances and therefore consumers can keep pn consuming from the topic
    • The default assignor is [RangeAssignor, CooperativeStickyAssignor], which will use the RangeAssignor by default, but allows upgrading to the CooperativeStickyAssignor with just a single rolling bounce that removes the RangeAssignor from the list
  • Kafka Connect: already implemented (enabled by default)
  • Kafka Streams: turned on by default using StreamPartitionAssignor

Static Group Membership

  • By default, when a consumer leaves a group, its practitioners are revoke and re-assigned
  • If it joins back, it will have a new "member ID" and new partitions assigned
  • If you specify it makes the consumer a static member
  • Upon leaving, the consumer has up to to join back and get back its partitions (else they will be re-assigned), without triggering a rebalanced
  • This is helpgul when consumers maintain local state and cache (to avoid re-building the cache)


Kafka Consumer: Auto Offset Commit Behavior

  • In the Java Consumer API, offsets are regular committed
  • Enable at-least once reading scenario by default (under condition)
  • Offsets are committed when you call .poll() and has elapsed
  • Example: and will commit every 5 seconds
  • Make sure message are all successfully processed before you call poll() again
    • If you don't, you will not be in at-least-once reading scenario
    • If that (rare) case, you should disable and most likely most processing to a separate thread, and then from time-to-time call commitSync() or commitAsync() with the correct offsets manually (advanced)



learning kafka and use kafka sdk






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