Measures and visualizes my actual internet speed.
- Speeds are measured using with the identical upstream server every ten minutes by a RaspberryPi4 that is connected to supposed Gigabit-LAN with a cronjob
. - The Pi is the only device on the whole network in order to not distort the results.
- The results are saved in a sqlite-database that is connected via Prisma
- A Fastify-Server provides an API to query the data from a specific timestamp
- A Svelte-App visualizes the results in several graphs
Pretty bad. I only get the minimal speeds that are accepted by the german Bundesnetzagentur which correspond to 60% of the billed speeds during the night. In the evenings the downstream speeds fall below rates that are usable for video-streaming. During the day from 8am onwards upstream speeds fall beyond what is usable for video conferencing and thus working from home.
Prisma does not support ARM-architectures out of the box. You can compile the necessary binaries with Rust by yourself by following these instructions: prisma/prisma#1505 (comment)
- Open all configured crontabs with
crontab -e
- Add the following line
5-59/10 * * * * /home/pi/dev/svelte-speedtest/server/run-speedtest-cron.ts >> /home/pi/dev/lu-speedtest/run.log 2>&1
rsync -avz --progress pi@raspberrypi:/home/pi/dev/svelte-speedtest/src/server/prisma/speedtest.db ./server/prisma/speedtest.db