Make sure your
package is at version 1.7mix archive.install hex phx_new 1.7.0-rc.2
Create either a single or umbrella phoenix app:
- Single app:
mix phx.new --install my_app
- Or Umbrella app:
mix phx.new --umbrella --install my_app
Note that Beacon supports both.
as a dependency:If the project is a single app, add beacon to your root
file:{:beacon, github: "beaconCMS/beacon"}
Or to both apps
if running in an Umbrella app. -
Update your deps:
Make sure your application is running on Phoenix v1.7 and Phoenix LiveView v0.18 then run:
mix deps.get
in the .formatter.exs file:[ import_deps: [:ecto, :ecto_sql, :phoenix, :beacon], # rest of file ]
You can either run a generator or install it manually:
Run and follow instructions:
mix beacon.install --beacon-site my_site
For more details please check out the docs: mix help beacon.install
toconfig :my_app, ecto_repos: [MyApp.Repo, Beacon.Repo]
Configure the Beacon Repo in your dev.exs and prod.exs:
config :beacon, Beacon.Repo, username: "postgres", password: "postgres", hostname: "localhost", database: "my_app_beacon", pool_size: 10
In dev.exs you may also want to add:
stacktrace: true, show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error: true,
Create a
module that implementsBeacon.DataSource.Behaviour
:defmodule MyApp.BeaconDataSource do @behaviour Beacon.DataSource.Behaviour def live_data("my_site", ["home"], _params), do: %{vals: ["first", "second", "third"]} def live_data("my_site", ["blog", blog_slug], _params), do: %{blog_slug_uppercase: String.upcase(blog_slug)} def live_data(_, _, _), do: %{} end
and callbeacon_site
in your app router:import Beacon.Router scope "/" do pipe_through :browser beacon_site "/my_site", name: "my_site", data_source: MyApp.BeaconDataSource end
Add some seeds to your
file:alias Beacon.Components alias Beacon.Pages alias Beacon.Layouts alias Beacon.Stylesheets Stylesheets.create_stylesheet!(%{ site: "my_site", name: "sample_stylesheet", content: "body {cursor: zoom-in;}" }) Components.create_component!(%{ site: "my_site", name: "sample_component", body: """ <li> <%= @val %> </li> """ }) %{id: layout_id} = Layouts.create_layout!(%{ site: "my_site", title: "Sample Home Page", meta_tags: %{"foo" => "bar"}, stylesheet_urls: [], body: """ <header> Header </header> <%= @inner_content %> <footer> Page Footer </footer> """ }) %{id: page_id} = Pages.create_page!(%{ path: "home", site: "my_site", layout_id: layout_id, template: """ <main> <h2>Some Values:</h2> <ul> <%= for val <- @beacon_live_data[:vals] do %> <%= my_component("sample_component", val: val) %> <% end %> </ul> <.form let={f} for={:greeting} phx-submit="hello"> Name: <%= text_input f, :name %> <%= submit "Hello" %> </.form> <%= if assigns[:message], do: assigns.message %> <%= dynamic_helper("upcase", "Beacon") %> </main> """ }) Pages.create_page!(%{ path: "blog/:blog_slug", site: "my_site", layout_id: layout_id, template: """ <main> <h2>A blog</h2> <ul> <li>Path Params Blog Slug: <%= @beacon_path_params.blog_slug %></li> <li>Live Data blog_slug_uppercase: <%= @beacon_live_data.blog_slug_uppercase %></li> </ul> </main> """ }) Pages.create_page_event!(%{ page_id: page_id, event_name: "hello", code: """ {:noreply, assign(socket, :message, "Hello \#{event_params["greeting"]["name"]}!")} """ }) Pages.create_page_helper!(%{ page_id: page_id, helper_name: "upcase", helper_args: "name", code: """ String.upcase(name) """ })
Setup database, seeds, and tools:
mix setup
Start server:
mix phx.server
Visit http://localhost:4000/my_site/home and note:
- The Header and Footer from the layout
- The list element from the page
- The three components rendered with the beacon_live_data from your DataSource
- The zoom in cursor from the stylesheet
- Visit http://localhost:4000/my_site/blog/beacon_is_awesome and note:
- The Header and Footer from the layout
- The path params blog slug
- The live data blog_slug_uppercase
- The zoom in cursor from the stylesheet
and callbeacon_admin
in your app router:import Beacon.Router scope "/beacon" do pipe_through :browser beacon_admin "/admin" end
Edit the existing page or create a new page then click edit to go to the Page Editor (including version management)
and callbeacon_api
in your router app:import Beacon.Router scope "/api" pipe_through :api beacon_api "/beacon" end
Check out /lib/beacon/router.ex for currently available API endpoints.
provides a phoenix app running beacon with with code reload enabled:
mix setup
mix dev