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SnackView Header

Create customizable bottom-half sheets. SnackView logo

Test Coverage Maintainability


  • Create DocC documentation
  • Allow UIFont override
  • Add support for Xib hosted SVItems
  • Add new SVItems

What's new

What's new in 1.2.0

  • Dynamic type support
  • SVSegmentedControlItem
  • SVStepperItem
  • SVSpacerItem


Swift Package Manager

To install SnackView library using Swift Package Manager from Xcode select File > Add Package and enter:

Manual installation

If you want to install SnackView manually, just drag Sources folder into your project.


Create your custom SnackView sheet

To create a custom SnackView your UIViewController or you NSObject class should conform to to SnackViewDataSource protocol. SnackViewDataSource allows you to specify title bar elements and UI elements that sheet should present.

The first step is to specify the title of you SnackView sheet:

func titleFor(snackView: SnackView) -> String {
    return "My Title"

Then you can specify the dismission button title. This method can return an Optional string value to hide the dismission button.

  • Note: If you pass nil it is up to you to handle manually the SnackView dismission logic.
func cancelTitleFor(snackView: SnackView) -> String? {
    return "Cancel"

The last part required is the method with which specify the items to show.

func itemsFor(snackView: SnackView) -> [SVItem] {
    let descriptionItem = SVDescriptionItem(withDescription: "In this last release of SnackView we...")
    let imageItem = SVImageViewItem(withImage: UIImage(named: "what_is_new")!,
                                    andContentMode: .scaleAspectFill)

    return [descriptionItem, imageItem]

Once conformed to SnackViewDataSource you are ready to present you SnackView sheet:

let snackView = SnackView(with: dataSource)


Here below an example of SnackView implementation:

class MyCustomClass: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {  }

    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

        // Present the SnackView
        let dataSource = self
        SnackView(with: dataSource).show()

// MARK: - SnackViewDataSource Section
extension MyCustomClass: SnackViewDataSource {

    func titleFor(snackView: SnackView) -> String {
        return "What's New"

    func cancelTitleFor(snackView: SnackView) -> String? {
        return "Dismiss"

    func itemsFor(snackView: SnackView) -> [SVItem] {
        let descriptionItem = SVDescriptionItem(withDescription: "In this last release of SnackView we...")
        let imageItem = SVImageViewItem(withImage: UIImage(named: "what_is_new")!,
                                        andContentMode: .scaleAspectFill)

        return [descriptionItem, imageItem]

SVItems included

SnackView provides some SVItems ready to use, here below the list of some SVItems available:

  • SVStepperItem
  • SVSliderItem
  • SVSegmentedControllerItem
  • SVSpacerItem


SVApplicationItem(withIcon: UIImage(named: "AppIcon"),
                 withTitle: "Ipsum lorem", 
            andDescription: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...")

SnackView alert


SVDescriptionItem(withDescription: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...")

SnackView alert


SVTextFieldItem(withPlaceholder: "Create Password", 
                  isSecureField: true)

SnackView alert


SVDetailTextItem(withTitle: "Elit amet", 
                andContent: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...")

SnackView alert


SVButtonItem(withTitle: "Continue") { /* Button action here */ }

SnackView alert


SVSwitchItem(withTitle: "Push Notifications", 
            andContent: "Activate to stay up to date...") { (isOn) in  /* Switch action here */ }

SnackView alert


SVLoadingItem(withSize: .large, 
               andText: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...")

SnackView alert Item


SVImageViewItem(with: UIImage(named: "hat_is_new")!,
                              andContentMode: .scaleAspectFill)

SnackView alert Item

Create custom SVItems

You can create custom items subclassing SVItem class.

Here below an example.

import UIKit
import SnackView

//Create a subclass of SVItem
class SVCustomItem: SVItem {
    //Pass all parameters in init method to customize your SVItem
    init(withColor color: UIColor) {
        //Add an UIView
        let customView = UIView()
        customView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        customView.backgroundColor = color
        //Add UIView contraints
         let vConstraints = NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: "V:|-[customView(70)]-|", options: [], metrics: nil, views: ["customView":customView])
        let hConstraints = NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: "H:|-[customView]-|", options: [], metrics: nil, views: ["customView": customView])
        self.addConstraints(vConstraints   hConstraints)
    required public convenience init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        self.init(coder: aDecoder)

Custom SVItem


If you want to contribute to make SnackView a better framework, submit a pull request.

Please consider to open an issue for the following reasons:

  • If you have questions or if you need help using SnackView
  • If you found a bug
  • If you have some feature request