JKCategories(iOS-Categories), a collection of useful Objective-C Categories extending iOS Frameworks such as Foundation,UIKit,CoreData,QuartzCore,CoreLocation,MapKit Etc.
This library requires iOS 7.0
and Xcode 8.0
when you will use the all Categories:
platform :ios
pod 'JKCategories'
when you will use the some one type framework lib,such as Foundation
platform :ios
pod 'JKCategories/Foundation'
when you will use a more detailed class type lib, in some one type framework lib,such as Foundation's NSDictionary
platform :ios
pod 'JKCategories/Foundation/NSDictionary'
you will find all sublib with pod search JKCategories
or Podfile or in the project folder hierarchy
Copy JKCategories or some specific class file to your project
import the header file into any class where you wish to make use of the functionality such as
#import "NSArray JKSafeAccess.h" or "<JKCategories/NSArray JKSafeAccess.h>",
Not recommended for import all the header files of JKCategories into pch or baseclass
"JKUIKit.h" or "<JKCategories/JKUIKit.h>",
"JKFoundation.h" or "<JKCategories/JKFoundation.h>",
"JKCoreData.h" or "<JKCategories/JKCoreData.h>",
"JKCoreLocation.h" or "<JKCategories/JKCoreLocation.h>",
"JKMapKit.h" or "<JKCategories/JKMapKit.h>",
"JKQuartzCore.h" or "<JKCategories/JKQuartzCore.h>""
"JKCategories.h" or <JKCategories/JKCategories.h>,
- NSArray
- NSBundle
- NSData
- NSDate
- NSDateFormatter
- NSNotificationCenter
- NSDictionary
- NSException
- NSFileManager
- NSIndexPath
- NSNumber
- NSObject
- NSSet
- NSString
- NSTimer
- NSUserDefaults
- NSHTTPCookieStorage
- NSFileHandle
- NSRunLoop
- NSURLRequest
- NSOperation
- NSInvocation
- NSURLConnection
- NSURLSession
- UIAlertView
- UIApplication
- UIBarButtonItem
- UIBezierPath
- UIButton
- UIColor
- UIFont
- UIControl
- UIDevice
- UIImage
- UIImageView
- UILable
- UINavigationBar
- UINavigationController
- UINavigationItem
- UIResponder
- UIScreen
- UIScrollView
- UISearchBar
- UISplitViewController
- UITableView
- UITableViewCell
- UITextField
- UITextView
- UIView
- UIViewController
- UIWebView
- UIWindow
- UIPopoverController
- UICollectionView
- CALayer
- CAMediaTimingFunction
- CAAnimation
- CAShapeLayer
- CATransaction
- NSManagedObjectContext
- NSFetchRequest
- NSManagedObject
- NSPersistentStoreCoordinator
- CLLocationManager
- CLLocation
- MKMapView
JKCategories is available under the MIT license.