Typedy is a tiny typescript client for DynamoDB.
Add configuration to use the client.
Configuration is an object to handle all the possible options to use DynamoDB
const configuration = {
table: "TableName",
idPrefix: "Tbl",
options: { apiVersion: '2012-08-10' }
All entities need to extend Schema type to automatically create id, createdAt and updatedAt fields.
Use the client class to handle transaction operations.
The operations are already created:
- findById
- insert
- update
- query
- delete
Create an instance of client class to call operations.
const client = new Client(configuration)
const item = await client.findById({id: "1233-345543-22334"})
const item = await client.insert({
name: "Test name",
lastName: "Test lastname"
The client object is going to create automatically id field when the insert transactions is done.
Update method is going to return all the new values with the old values in a single object
const item = await client.update({
id: "1233-345543-22334",
name: "Test name",
lastName: "Test lastname"
Typedy includes a minimal query dsl, it includes 5 basic operations:
- equal
- less
- greater
- and
- or
const queryExpression = new QueryBuilder().expression(greater('createdAt', '28812882')).build();
const items = await client.query(queryExpression)
const item = await client.delete({id: "1233-345543-22334"})
Delete method is going to return the old values when the item is deleted.