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Repository files navigation



  • native chatGPT UI
  • native Algolia UI


Quickstart (macOS)

  1. Copy and paste this into your terminal to install the theme as a git submodule and copy the default configs.
    brew install hugo 
    site_name="milodocs_$(date  %s%N | md5sum | head -c 8)"
    hugo new site "$site_name"
    cd "$site_name"
    git init
    git submodule add themes/milodocs
    mkdir config/
    cp -r themes/milodocs/exampleSite/config/* config/
    rm config/_default/security.yaml
    rm hugo.toml
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit"
    hugo server -D -p 1313
  2. Open localhost:1313
  3. Create your first markdown directory under content/ (e.g., content/get-started).
  4. Add an file with the following frontmatter:
  5. Check your site to see it displayed.

Getting from 0 to 1 takes ~5 minutes.

1.Install Hugo

brew install hugo

See Hugo Docs for more options:

2. Create a new site

hugo new site <siteName>

3.Install this project

  1. Open your <siteName> project directory.

  2. Navigate to the themes/ directory.

  3. Run the following command:

    gh repo clone lbliii/milodocs

4. Add theme to config

baseURL = ''
languageCode = 'en-us'
title = 'My New Hugo Site'
theme = 'milodocs'

5. Init repo

Time to start saving your progress!

  1. Run the following:
    git init
  2. Add a comment.
  3. Push your new site and theme to your remote git repo.

6. Deploy locally

  1. Navigate into the siteName repo.
  2. Run the following:
    hugo server
  3. Open localhost (typically localhost:1313).