Indigo is AfricanLII's document management system for managing, capturing and publishing legislation in the Akoma Ntoso format.
It is a Django python web application using:
- Django
- Cobalt -- a lightweight Python library for working with Akoma Ntoso
- Slaw -- a Ruby Gem for generating Akoma Ntoso from PDFs and other documents
- django-rest-framework
- backbone.js
- stickit.js
Read the full documentation at
Clone the repo:
git clone
cd indigo
Ensure you have python 3.6, virtualenv and pip installed.
Create and activate a virtualenv and install dependencies:
virtualenv env --no-site-packages
source env/bin/activate
pip install -e '.[test]'
Ensure you have PostgreSQL installed and running. Create a postgresql user with username and password indigo
and create a corresponding database called indigo
sudo su - postgres -c 'createuser -d -P indigo'
sudo su - postgres -c 'createdb indigo'
Check that you can connect to the postgresql database as your regular shell user (not indigo user) by means of password authentication:
psql -h localhost indigo indigo
If you can't connect, you can modify your pg_hba.conf
for postgresql 9.6) to allow md5 encrypted password authentication for users on localhost by adding a line like this:
local all all md5
Then run migrations to setup the initial database:
python migrate
python update_countries_plus
If you have trouble connecting to your database, you may need to change the default database settings in indigo/
db_config = dj_database_url.config(default='postgres://indigo:indigo@localhost:5432/indigo')
Then create the superuser:
python createsuperuser
Now, run the server:
python runserver
Now login at http://localhost:8000 and create a country by going to http://localhost:8000/admin, choosing Countries under Indigo API and clicking Add Country.
Now give yourself all the permissions to work in that country by clicking on your name in the top right corner and choosing Profile. In the Badges Earned section, award yourself all the badges in the dropdown list.
You won't be able to import documents yet. First, you'll need to install Ruby and the Slaw parser library. We strongly recommend installing and using RVM or a similar Ruby version manager. You'll need Ruby version 2.3.
Once you've install Ruby, install Bundler and the Indigo dependencies:
gem install bundler
bundle install
You can test that Slaw is installed with slaw --version
$ slaw --version
slaw 1.0.0
You will also need pdftotext
to import PDF files. On Mac, you can use Homebrew and run brew install poppler
Each indigo package has its own translations in the locale
directory. Translations for strings are added on CrowdIn.
If you have added or changed strings that need translating, you must tell Django to update the .po files:
for app in indigo indigo_api indigo_za; do pushd $app; django-admin makemessages -a; popd; done
django-admin compilemessages --settings indigo.settings
And then commit the changes. CrowdIn will pick up any changed strings and make them available for translation. Once they are translated, it will open a pull request to merge the changes into master.
Indigo uses a small number of node modules written in ES6. They need to be compiled into a single JS file because Indigo doesn't use ES6.
To do this, install browserify, then:
npm install
browserify indigo_app/static/lib/dom-anchor.src.js > indigo_app/static/lib/dom-anchor.js
To run the tests use:
python test
Read the documentation for details on deploying Indigo.
- Run the tests!
- Update VERSION appropriately
- Update
- Commit changes
- Tag:
git tag vX.X.X
and push to githubgit push; git push --tags
The project is licensed under a GNU GPL 3 license.
Indigo is Copyright 2015-2017 AfricanLII.