This project is using FASTAPI inside a container. Just compile the Dockerfile and run it on the host
podman build -t fastapi:v1.0 .
podman run -it -p 8000:8000 fastapi:v1.0
kubectl apply -f k8s/deployment.yaml
oc new-project fastapi
oc new-app --name fastapi --labels app=fastapi --context-dir app --strategy=docker --env ENVIROMENT="prod"
oc new-app --name fastapi --labels app=fastapi --context-dir app --strategy=source --env ENVIROMENT="prod"
oc -n fastapi expose service fastapi
oc -n fastapi expose service fastapi --name fastapi-hml --hostname
oc -n fastapi create route edge fastapi-tls --service fastapi
oc -n fastapi create secret generic fastapi-secret --from-literal=username=admin --from-literal=password=secret
oc -n fastapi set env --from=secret/fastapi-secret deployment/fastapi
oc -n fastapi set volume deployment/fastapi --name=secrets-vol --add --mount-path=/opt/secrets/ --secret-name=fastapi-secret --overwrite
oc -n fastapi create configmap fastapi-page --from-literal=index.html='<!DOCTYPE html><html><h1><body>This is a configmap file from production environment</h1></html>'
oc -n fastapi set volume deployment/fastapi --name=page-vol --add --mount-path=/opt/config/ --configmap-name=fastapi-page --overwrite
oc -n fastapi set resources deployment/fastapi --limits=cpu=200m,memory=128Mi --requests=cpu=100m,memory=64Mi
oc -n fastapi autoscale deployment fastapi --max 10 --min 3 --cpu-percent=80
oc -n fastapi create quota fastapi-quota --hard=cpu=500m,memory=500Mi
oc -n fastapi set probe deployment/fastapi --readiness --initial-delay-seconds=10 --timeout-seconds=30 --get-url=http://:8080/health
oc -n fastapi set probe deployment/fastapi --liveness --initial-delay-seconds=10 --timeout-seconds=30 --get-url=http://:8080/health