A complete starter kit that allows you create amazing apps that look native thanks to the Quasar Framework. Powered by an API developed in Laravel Framework using the easy GraphQL query language. And ready to use the Google Firebase features.
- Multilanguage capability
- XSRF protection in client and client-backend comunication.
- Use as SPA, PWA, DESKTOP APP, MOBILE APP, thanks to Quasar Framework
- Area for Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy
- Social login (Google and Facebook by default)
- OAUTH 2 Authentication
- Password login
- User registration with password and email verification
- Reset password with email verification
- User avatar
- Update password
- Update user name
- Logout
- Firebase Authentication with custom generated token that allows using all Firebase features
- Firebase Cloud Messaging for app notifications
- User timezone detection for process related to user's time
- User roles
OAUTH 2 Laravel API Powered with GraphQl
Dashboard with a basic features developed with Quasar Framework
PHP script that allows securely storing the API client-id and client-secret and managing the OAUTH2 authentication and refresh tokens process
- Quasar 0.15: Official Documentation
- Laravel 5.6: Official Documentation
- Official Site: GraphQL Info
- Laravel GraphQL implementation: Folkloreatelier/laravel-graphql
It would be great if you could contribute by adding new features, fixing bugs or showing us the steps to reproduce bugs.
Copyright (c) 2018-present Fabian VR