To use this software, first download and install node. Then, check you have a recent node by:
$ node --version
It should be at least 4.1.
Next, install the external deps that aren"t in the repo:
path/to/your/chicago-brick$ npm install
Then, to run the server in 1x1 mode with stars module:
chicago-brick$ ./bin/ -m stars
And open a Chrome window to http://localhost:3000/?config=0,0,1920,1080.
You should be able to see many stars zooming towards you.
If you don"t see that, try running the npm install
command again.
Or, to run the server in 2x2 mode with stars module:
chicago-brick$ ./bin/ -m stars
And open the client windows like so:
chicago-brick$ ./bin/
You should be able to see the same thing with four browser windows instead.
You can play with different modules by substituting the stars
with other names in chicago-brick/config/demo-playlist.json
You can view some API Docs at
Hopefully, this gets you developing!
– Chicago Brick Team