- Portland, OR
Epicodus Week 12, Code Review #4. A webpage that will take a user's pizza order and will output the pizza cost.
a webpage created to match the user with an outdoor experience, based on their form inputs. Epicodus Code Review #2.
A chord and scale generator built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
4th epicodus code review, practicing objects and prototypes by making a pizza ordering website
Intro to Programming - Practicing Behavior Driven Development with Object-Oriented Javascript
Intro to Programming - Practicing Behavior Driven Development with Javascript
webpage for user to answer questions about themselves and be given a vacation destination
a homework lesson to practice objects & constructors
Epicodus Intro to Programming Week 4 Homework Project: A web-based address book with local storage.
Simple PDF React component with vertical scroll bar (pdfjs-dist & ES6 syntax & Babel & Browserify).
Framework-agnostic CSS-in-JS with support for server-side rendering, browser prefixing, and minimum CSS generation
Bare minimum setup for a simple react app. Should save you a lot of time. You are welcome!! React-Webpack-Babel