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Home Assistant SunPower Integration using the local installer ethernet interface.


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Home Assistant SunPower Integration using the local installer ethernet interface.

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This integration uses endpoints designed for the provisioning of the PVS system. They were not intended to be called over and over for days/months/years on end. I have seen PVS systems eventually failing to push data to Sunpower's cloud systems even though everything else (this integration included) were working. This happened to my system and I did a bunch of gymnastics some of the errors suggested it might have been due to a partition filling on the PVS. I would certainly use caution with short polling rates.

YMMV, any damage to your system is your responsibility (see also: LICENSE)

Component to integrate with sunpower PVS 5/6 monitors


This component will set up the following platforms.

Platform Description
binary_sensor Working/Not Working status for each device.
sensor Most data available from the PVS system including per-panel data.


  1. Click install.
  2. Install HACS
  3. Add this Repo to HACS by going to the 3 dots on the right ...-> Custom repositories -> Repository: krbaker/hass-sunpower Category: integration
  4. Install this integration in HACS
  5. Restart Home Assistant
  6. In the Home Assistant UI go to "Configuration" -> "Integrations" click " " and search for "Sunpower".
    • The main configuration is IP/Hostname. If setup with a NAT as described below the IP will be Note the network setup is for most people the challenging setup of this integration.
    • Requires that the management LAN interface is plugged in, your installer uses this for setup but doesn't plug it into your lan
    • This network interface has a DHCP server running on it. If you plug it straight into your home network it will make probably other systems stop working as they will DHCP to the wrong address. The PVS takes a very long time to return data, I've found 120s is really the lowest safe rate. ESS I'm less sure about though I've seen it as low as 10s in other places (I have seen home assistant grind to a hault with too many state change entries)

Use descriptive entity names

When selected during installation, entities added for each device will have the device descriptor added onto the front of their name. The device descriptor is a combination of device type (e.g., Inverter) and serial number. This guarantees unique entity IDs and names at the expense of making said names very long.

Use product entity names

When selected during installation, entities added for each device will have the "product" descriptor added onto the front of their name. This adds 'sunpower' 'sunvault' and 'pvs' to entities making them even more distinct but very long.

Energy storage system

This will now auto-detect and the option to enable/disable has been removed (This addition thanks to @CanisUrsa)

Options (available from 'configure' once integration is setup)

Solar data update interval (seconds)

This sets how fast the integration will try to get updated solar info from the PVS. The lowest "safe" rate looks like about 120 seconds. I am concerned some PVSs may fail to work properly over time and I'm guessing it might be request or error logging filling their memory. I am running with 300 seconds right now as I went through a heck of a time with a PVS that began to fail pushing to Sunpower's cloud.

Energy storage update interval (seconds)

Should evenly divide into Solar data update interval or be an even multiple of it (this is due to the currently silly way polling is handled through one timer). The original author of the ESS addon @CanisUrsa had it as low as 20 seconds (see warning above)

Network Setup

This integration requires connectivity to the management interface used for installing the system. The PVS systems have a second lan interface in the box. DO NOT PLUG THIS INTO YOUR LAN!!! it is running its own DHCP server which will cause all sorts of IP addressing issues. I run a Linux router with a spare ethernet port and route to the sunpower interface and allow my home assistant system to connect directly to the PVS. Also note that the command used to dump data 'device list' is very slow and sometimes times out. I've built in some retry logic so setup passes pretty reliably. Sometimes you may see data go blank if the fetch times out.

A detailed setup using a Raspberry Pi which fits into the PVS is available here.


Depending on the version of PVS you may not see all of these devices/attributes. I'm guessing on a number of these attributes based on what I've observed. Updates welcome!

PV Supervisor

This is the integrated computer that monitors your panels. Currently this supports the PVS 5 and PVS 6. The serial number is used for the device ID to avoid collisions.

Entity Units Description
Memory Used Bytes How much memory is consumed on the PVS.
Flash Available Bytes How much flash space is left.
Error Count Bytes Internal error count (never seen more than 0 here).
Communication Errors Bytes Number of failures talking to panels? (this goes up and down which doesn't seem right).
Scan Time Bytes How long it took to poll the panels
Skipped Scans Count How many times the system has skipped polling the panels for data
System Load Load Avg Load average like number, unclear over what time period. Average number of tasks in run queue average over time.
System State String Pass through from the API, sometimes goes unknown if the API times out (the local API is horribly slow and takes > 1 min sometimes)
Untransmitted Data Bytes How much data is in PVS buffers not sent to Sunpower cloud.
Uptime Seconds How long the system has been running, appears to restart on its own fairly frequently (firmware ups?).

Power Meter

This is the power meter built into the PVS. The serial number is used for the device ID to avoid collisions. All systems I have seen have two meters one ends in 'p' for production (from panels) and 'c' for consumption (use by household).

Entity Units Description
System State String Pass through from the API, sometimes goes unknown if the API times out (the local API is horribly slow and takes > 1 min sometimes)
Frequency Hz Observed AC Frequency. Resolution appears to be .1hz. My powerwall shifts the frequency to shutdown my panels when charged 100% stays within - .1hz.
Lifetime Power kwh Net power through this meter. Note that this will 'spin backwards' and make home assistant log errors if you draw anything here.
Power kw Current power through this meter.
Power Factor Percent Power Factor is better explained by Wikipedia.
KVA Apparent VA See above
KVA Reactive VA See above


This is the data from each Micro Inverter. Each inverter optimizes the power generation using MPPT all of the panel side power data is reported from each inverter. You should see one of these for every panel you have, they are listed by serial number.

Entity Units Description
System State String Pass through from the API, sometimes goes unknown if the API times out, returns 'error' on my system more than I would expect.
Frequency Hz Observed AC Frequency. Resolution appears to be .01hz. My powerwall shifts the frequency to shutdown my panels when charged 100% stays within - .1hz.
Lifetime Power kwh Lifetime produced power from this panel / inverter
Power kw Current power from this panel / inverter
Voltage Volts Power this panel is seeing (wired across both phases so seeing 240 -)
Temperature F Temperature of this inverter, can get fairly warn on a sunny day developing full power
Amps Amps Power this inverter is producing on the AC side
MPPT Volts Volts MPPT optimized panel voltage. This is the actual voltage the panel is driven by inverter to develop currently.
MPPT Amps Amps MPPT optimized panel amperage. This is the actual amperage the panel is driven by inverter to develop currently.
MPPT KW KW MPPT optimized panel output in kw. This is the actual power the panel developing currently.

Virtual production meter

Virtual Meter Output This data is a sum of all inverter data to make some things like the energy dashboard easier to use for people who might be missing the production CT. Note: this data is less accurate than a production CT.

Entity Units Description
State String If any inverter has an error this will be an error, in low light expect errors
Frequency Hz Average Observed AC Frequency across all inverters.
Lifetime Power kwh Lifetime produced across all inverters
Power kw Current power sum from all inverters
Voltage Volts Average voltage across all inverters
Temperature F Average temperature across all inverters
Amps Amps Total amperage produced by all inverters


This is the data from the HUB .

Entity Units Description
HUB Plus State String Pass through from the API, sometimes goes unknown if the API times out, returns 'error' on my system all the time.
HUB Plus Grid Phase 1 Voltage Volts Phase 1 grid voltage.
HUB Plus Grid Phase 2 Voltage Volts Phase 2 grid voltage.
HUB Plus Temperature C Temperature of the HUB .
HUB Plus Load Phase 1 Voltage Volts Phase 1 load voltage.
HUB Plus Load Phase 2 Voltage Volts Phase 2 load voltage.

Battery Management System

This is the data from each Battery Management System. Each BMS is responsible for the batteries contained within it.

Entity Units Description
Battery # State String Pass through from the API, sometimes goes unknown if the API times out, returns 'error' on my system all the time.
Battery # Amps Amps Battery amps.
Battery # Voltage Volts Battery voltage.
Battery # Temperature C Battery temperature.
Battery # Customer State of Charge % Battery charge percentage reported to the customer.
Battery # System State of Charge % Actual battery charge percentage (probably).

Energy Storage System

This is the data from each Energy Storage System. The ESS is responsible for something. I am not sure what.

Entity Units Description
ESS # State String Pass through from the API, sometimes goes unknown if the API times out, returns 'error' on my system all the time.
ESS # Humidity % Humidity measured by the ESS.
ESS # Temperature C Temperature of the ESS.
ESS # Power Watts Power of the ESS.
ESS # Meter A Amps Amps ESS meter A amps.
ESS # Meter A Power Watts ESS meter A power.
ESS # Meter A Voltage Volts ESS meter A voltage.
ESS # Meter B Amps Amps ESS meter B amps.
ESS # Meter B Power Watts ESS meter B power.
ESS # Meter B Voltage Volts ESS meter B voltage.

Energy Monitoring

This integration should support the Energy dashboard for Home Assistant. Once you install the integration and configure it allow it to run for a few hours so that the statistics entries are generated. Then go to the energy dashboard configuration and add the measurements you want. Some people use the main consumption and production meters, others use each panel.

Image of configuration screen w/ energy Solar Production

SunVault Monitoring

The energy storage system data doesn't record total kWh and instead only provides voltage / current of the individual battery management systems. The instanteous power is calculated per battery and an abstract battery called "SunVault" is generated to cover systems with more than one BMS. For the SunVault device an integration helper is required to integrate the instanteous power calculated by this integration and turn it into kWh. This can be done through Settings -> Devices and Integration -> Helpers -> Create Helper -> Integration - Riemann sum integral sensor. An integration sensor will need to be generated for both the SunVault Power Input and SunVault Power Output.


If you file a bug one of the most useful things to include is the output of


Missing solar production. Appears that the Sunpower meter has disappeared from the device list

Run the debugging command and look for the METER entries.

curl If one is missing reboot the PVS

Missing Consumption or Consumption is wrong

Check your Sunpower app. If its not there this integaration will not solve it.

  • Your install may not have installed the current clamps needed. Sometimes the installer is being cheap, sometimes you just don't have the space in your panel.
  • Its possible your PVS just needs a reboot (see missing solar production entry)
  • If your consumption is just wrong (the most common failure is seeing the solar production count as consumption) then the PVS is configured wrong Sunpower Training is what they should follow to resolve this.

Installed through HACS but I can't find it in the integrations list

Some people seem to have a browser caching / refresh issue it seems to be solved by completely clearing caches or using another browser. See Issue-15