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a b compiler

bcc is an interactive compiler of a language called b.

it produces compact and fast object code that uses very little stack.

b aims to offer same types, ops and control as c.

t.b and t.c:

         run  compile(ms) runsize
     b   230     .06       1K
gcc-O1   320   60.00       3K
gcc-O2   230   90.00       3K
gcc-O9   230  200.00       8K

b syntax is more compact than c and has no precedence rules:

b :  -*%^&|<> =  /  \   $[c;t;f]
c =  -*/^&|<> == << >>  if(c)t;else f;

argtypes for x,y,z are declared, local types and result type are inferred.



b: b[Ii]{h:#x;l:0;W(h>l)$[y>x[i:/l h];l:i 1;h:i];l}
c: I b(I*x,I y){I h=x[-1],i,l=0;while(h>l)if(y>x[i=l h>>1])l=i 1;else h=i;R l;}


b: a[ii]$[x;a[-x;$[y;a[x;-y];1]]; y]
c: I a(I x,I y){R x?a(x-1,y?a(x,y-1):1):y 1;}

b         85ff741c85f6740e83ee0157e8efffffff5f8bf0eb05be0100000083ef01ebe08d4601c3 (36)
clang -Os 534889f04885ff7423488d5fff4885c0740d48ffc84889c6e8e3ffffffeb05b8010000004889df4885db75dd48ffc05bc3 (49)

that is:

0:     85 ff                test   edi,edi
2:     74 1c                je     0x20
4:     85 f6                test   esi,esi
6:     74 0e                je     0x16
8:     83 ee 01             sub    esi,1
b:     57                   push   rdi
c:     e8 ef ff ff ff       call   0
11:    5f                   pop    rdi
12:    8b f0                mov    esi,eax
14:    eb 05                jmp    0x1b
16:    be 01 00 00 00       mov    esi,1
1b:    83 ef 01             sub    edi,1
1e:    eb e0                jmp    0
20:    8d 46 01             lea    eax,[rsi 1]
23:    c3                   ret

564:   53                   push   %rbx
565:   48 89 f0             mov    %rsi,%rax
568:   48 85 ff             test   %rdi,%rdi
56b:   74 23                je     590 <a 0x2c>
56d:   48 8d 5f ff          lea    -0x1(%rdi),%rbx
571:   48 85 c0             test   %rax,%rax
574:   74 0d                je     583 <a 0x1f>
576:   48 ff c8             dec    %rax
579:   48 89 c6             mov    %rax,%rsi
57c:   e8 e3 ff ff ff       callq  564 <a>
581:   eb 05                jmp    588 <a 0x24>
583:   b8 01 00 00 00       mov    $0x1,�x
588:   48 89 df             mov    %rbx,%rdi
58b:   48 85 db             test   %rbx,%rbx
58e:   75 dd                jne    56d <a 0x9>
590:   48 ff c0             inc    %rax
593:   5b                   pop    %rbx
863:   c3                   retq



b uses an idiomatic dialect of ansi c.

c.h dialect a.h accessors

a.S kernel interface a.c runtime m.c malloc p.c parser b.c compiler h.c hash table u.c unicode

d reference t tests m bench

p() parse d() to register (constant or global) e() to register f() force

ex() run


llvm, gcc, tcc:

make l g t
make test


for riscv, arm, xtensa we need:

jmp() tst() cmp()  o2()
ret() cll() psh() pop()


there is no license. use at our own risk.

the original software was apparently meant as a friendly joke.

the name of this project is an insider pun and stands for blind carbon copy.

this work is prompted by a formidable anonymous effort of the following origin.
