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Developer's Guide

kotcity edited this page Mar 30, 2018 · 3 revisions

To work on KotCity locally...

It's pretty easy to get going!

  • Download this ->
  • Start it up
  • It will say "Welcome" and show a window letting you create a new project, etc.
  • Click on "Import from source control"
  • Pick "git"
  • supply for URL
  • press clone (this will take a little while)
  • It will ask to create a project. You would like to.
  • On the next screen, say "Import Project from external model" and pick "Gradle". All the other defaults should be fine.

Running the game

  • Go to "View" -> "Tool Windows" -> "Gradle"
  • Expand Tasks -> Applications
  • Double click on run

The first time will take a little while because it has to download all the packages. After that it will be relatively quick.

Clone this wiki locally